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Mobile Enhance

The Mobile Enhance plugin is specifically designed to integrate the Enhance SDK in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3 and Construct 2.

Features include advertisements with ad-network mediation, analytics, GDPR, in-app purchases and local mobile notifications.

The Mobile Enhance plugin is a c3runtime port for the Enhance SDK for the Construct 3 editor.

Note: This plugin is currently deprecated and the Enhance service has shut down, please use our own plugins in the collection since we have replacement for all features in the Enhance SDK.

PlayFab API v2.png


Step 1.png

The Construct Master Collection supports the full and easy integration of native mobile Android SDKs and iOS SDKs for both Construct 3 and Construct 2.

Please click here to learn more about Mobile.


The Mobile Enhance plugin is specifically designed to integrate the Enhance SDK in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3 and Construct 2.

Features include advertisements with ad-network mediation, analytics, GDPR, in-app purchases and local mobile notifications.

The Mobile Enhance plugin is a c3runtime port for the Enhance SDK for the Construct 3 editor.

Note: This plugin is currently deprecated and the Enhance service has shut down, please use our own plugins in the collection since we have replacement for all features in the Enhance SDK.

Here are some of the native features of the mobile plugin:

  • Enhance Android SDK

  • Enhance iOS SDK

  • Drag & drop cloud enhancer

  • Advertisements

  • Analytics

  • GDPR

  • In-app purchases

  • Local mobile notifications

For more information about native mobile or Android and iOS features, please click here to learn the introductory lessons to Mobile.

Platform Integration

Here are some of the platforms that are natively supported:

  • Android

  • iOS

  • Native Android

  • Native iOS

Build Support

Here are some of the supported build options:

Editor Features

Here are some of the features in the Construct editor:

  • Construct 3

  • Construct 2


How to use?

It is easy to use the Mobile Enhance plugin, you will only need to follow the steps below.

1. The first step is to add the Mobile Enhance object into the project.



The Mobile Enhance plugin is using the Enhance SDK to do easy SDK integration through their Cloud Enhancer.

The Enhance plugin is the original addon for Enhance SDK integration created by themselves. However, it doesn't have a c3runtime version at this time of writing, hence the creation of the new Mobile Enhance plugin.


Actions, Conditions & Expressions


The following action groups:

  • Ads

  • Analytics

  • Local Notifications

  • In-App Purchases

  • GDPR


  • Show interstitial ad - Try to show an interstitial ad.

    • Placement - Placement of the ad (optional).

  • Show rewarded ad - Try to show a rewarded ad.

    • Placement - Placement of the ad. Leave default if you are unsure what to put here.

  • Show banner ad - Try to show a banner ad.

    • Position - Position on the screen.

    • Placement - Placement of the ad (optional).


  • Log simple event - Send a simple event to the hooked analytics networks.

    • Event Name - Name of the event.

  • Log event - Send an event to the hooked analytics networks.

    • Event Name - Name of the event.

    • Parameter Key - Key of the event's parameter.

    • Parameter Value - Value of the event's parameter.

Local Notifications

  • Request permission - Request a permission from the user to schedule local notifications.

  • Enable local notification - Enable a new local notification.

    • Title - Title of the notification.

    • Message - Message of the notification.

    • Delay - Delay of the notification (in seconds).

  • Disable local notification - Disable any local notification.

In-App Purchases

  • Attempt purchase - Start the purchase flow for a given product.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

  • Get display price - Get a string containing the localised display price, e.g. 'Free', '$1.23', '¥1234', '1234,56 zł'.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

    • Default price - Default price of the product.

  • Check if item is owned - Check if the user has purchased a certain product and still has it in his inventory.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

  • Get item count - Get the number of the given product the user owns, or 0 if none. This can be useful for consumables.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

  • Consume purchase - Consume the given product from the users inventory.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

  • Manually restore purchases - Restore purchases manually.

  • Get display title - Get a string containing the localised display title.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

    • Default title - Default title of the product.

  • Get display description - Get a string containing the localised display description.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

    • Default description - Default description of the product.

  • Refresh status - Check if In-App Purchases are enabled in the app.


  • Requires data consent opt-in - This method returns true to callback method when any kind of opt-in is required by services that are included in your app. This will check if the user is within a country where GDPR regulations are enforced, and whether you have any services that require opt-in which are not already opted into. If this method returns false to callback then all of your SDKs will be operating as normal, or the user has explicitly opted out of data collection/processing.

  • Service terms opt-in - Calling this method will opt the current user in to using the services that you selected during the Enhance process. This should be used for any services which don't provide their own opt-in dialogs. You can optionally pass in an array of service IDs to be opted into. You should only call this method after showing a clear consent dialog which contains all of the details regarding consent required by the affected SDKs.

    • SDKs list - JSON Array of SDK IDs, e.g. "[""unity"", ""admob""]" (optional).

  • Show service opt-in dialogs - This method will instruct any services which contain built-in opt-in dialogs to display them. The Enhance process will inform you about which services allow this type of opt-in. Using SDKs with built-in dialogs is the easiest way to ask your users whether they'd like to opt-in.

    • SDKs list - JSON Array of SDK IDs, e.g. "[""unity"", ""admob""]" (optional).

  • Service terms opt-out - This explicit opt-out will instruct any GDPR compliant services that you're using that the user has specifically declined an opt-in to their data collection and processing. It can also be used to revert a previous opt-in decision by the user - if the user chooses to revoke their consent.


The following condition groups:

  • Ads

  • Local Notifications

  • In-App Purchases

  • GDPR


  • On interstitial ad success - Triggered when the ad is available and successfully displayed.

  • On interstitial ad failed - Triggered when Enhance failed to show the ad (e.g. received no fill error from the ad network).

  • On rewarded ad success - Triggered when the ad is available and sucessfully displayed.

  • On rewarded ad failed - Triggered when Enhance failed to show the ad (e.g. received no fill error from the ad network).

  • On reward granted - Triggered when the reward was granted to the user.

  • On reward declined - Triggered when the reward was declined by the user.

  • On reward unavailable - Triggered when the reward is unavailable.

  • On banner ad success - Triggered when the ad is available and sucessfully displayed.

  • On banner ad failed - Triggered when Enhance failed to show the ad (e.g. received no fill error from the ad network).

  • Is banner ad shown - Check whether a banner ad is currently displayed.

  • On offerwall success - Triggered when the offerwall is available and sucessfully displayed.

  • On offerwall failed - Triggered when Enhance failed to show the offerwall (e.g. received no fill error from the ad network).

  • On offerwall currency granted - Triggered when the user finishes an offerwall and receives a reward from it.

  • On special offer success - Triggered when the special offer is available and sucessfully displayed.

  • On special offer failed - Triggered when Enhance failed to show the special offer (e.g. received no fill error from the ad network).

Local Notifications

  • On permission granted - Triggered when permission to show local notifications is granted.

  • On permission refused - Triggered when permission to show local notifications is refused.

  • Is permission granted - Check whether the permission to show local notifications is granted.

In-App Purchases

  • Is supported - Check whether you can use In-App Purchases. First execute 'Refresh status'.

  • On purchase success - Triggered when a purchase is finished successfully.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

  • On purchase failed - Triggered when a purchase failed.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

  • On display price received - Triggered when a display price of the product is received.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

  • On item is owned - Triggered when the item is owned.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

  • On item is not owned - Triggered when the item is NOT owned.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

  • On item count received - Triggered when an owned count of the item is received.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

  • On consume success - Triggered when consumption of the item succeeded.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

  • On consume failed - Triggered when consumption of the item failed.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

  • On restore purchases success - Triggered when restore of purchases succeeded.

  • On restore purchases failed - Triggered when restore of purchases failed.

  • On display title received - Triggered when a display title of the product is received.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

  • On display description received - Triggered when a display description of the product is received.

    • Product ID - Unique Product ID.

  • On status received - Triggered when IAP status is received after calling 'Refresh IAP status' action.


  • On service opt-in requirement - Invoked after a response for 'Requires data consent opt-in' comes in. Use 'Is service opt-in required' to fetch the response.

  • Is service opt-in required - True when any kind of opt-in is required by services that are included in your app.

  • On opt-in dialogs complete - Invoked after all built-in opt-in dialogs are closed.


The following expression groups:

  • Ads

  • In-App Purchases


  • LastRewardType - Type of the latest granted reward.

  • LastRewardValue - Value of the latest granted reward.

  • LastCurrencyAmount - Amount of the latest granted currency.

  • REWARDED_PLACEMENT_NEUTRAL - Neutral placement.

  • REWARDED_PLACEMENT_SUCCESS - Success placement.

  • REWARDED_PLACEMENT_HELPER - Helper placement.

  • INTERSTITIAL_PLACEMENT_DEFAULT - Interstitial default placement.

  • PLACEMENT_DEFAULT - Default placement.

  • REWARD_TYPE_ITEM - Reward type.

  • REWARD_TYPE_COINS - Reward type.

In-App Purchases

  • LastDisplayPrice - Last received display price.

  • LastOwnedItemCount - Last received owned item count.

  • LastDisplayTitle - Last received display title.

  • LastDisplayDescription - Last received display description.

Object   Properties

Plugin Properties



There is currently nothing to show, we will add more in the future.

Game Projects

Game Projects 

Instructions Kit


  • Instructions - The game project contains instructions and steps on how to use the addon and its features.

  • Action, Conditions and Expressions - It covers the implementation of each action, condition and expression.

  • Tips and Tricks - It provides some tips and tricks on the recommended ways of using the addon.



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