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Mobile Consent

The Mobile Consent plugin is designed to implement advertisement consent dialog for both Android and iOS, and IDFA tracking authorization for iOS, for games built using Construct 3.

The Mobile Consent plugin integrates the User Messaging Platform SDK into your mobile application projects, with support for both the Mobile IronSource Collection and Google Admob Collection.

You no longer have to design your own customized consent form and let the User Messaging Platform handle it for you. 

PlayFab API v2.png


Step 1.png

The Construct Master Collection supports the full and easy integration of native mobile Android SDKs and iOS SDKs for both Construct 3 and Construct 2.

Please click here to learn more about Mobile.


The Mobile Consent plugin is designed to implement advertisement consent dialog for both Android and iOS, and IDFA tracking authorization for iOS, for games built using Construct 3.

The Mobile Consent plugin integrates the User Messaging Platform SDK into your mobile application projects, with support for both the Mobile IronSource Collection and Google Admob Collection.

You no longer have to design your own customized consent form and let the User Messaging Platform handle it for you. 

Here are some of the native features of the mobile plugin:

  • Consent dialog

  • Consent form

  • GDPR

    • Personalized adverts

  • IDFA

    • App Tracking Transparency

    • Application tracking request form

  • User Messaging Platform SDK

  • Debugging features

    • Test consent form or dialog

      • Geography debugging

        • Unknown

        • European Economic Area

        • Others

      • VPN debugging support

  • Native mobile debugging features

  • Well maintained and fully tested for production release.

For more information about native mobile or Android and iOS features, please click here to learn the introductory lessons to Mobile.

Platform Integration

Here are some of the platforms that are natively supported:

  • Android

  • iOS

  • Native Android

  • Native iOS

Build Support

Here are some of the supported build options:

Editor Features

Here are some of the features in the Construct editor:

  • Construct 3


How to use?

It is easy to use the Mobile Consent plugin, you will only need to follow the steps below.

1. The first step is to add the Mobile Consent object into the project.

2. If you are using the Google Admob Collection, please add the Google Admob object into your project.

3. If you are using the Mobile IronSource Collection, please add the Mobile IronSource object into your project.

4. If you are using the Mobile IronSource Collection, please also add the Admob Ads object into your project. The User Messaging Platform SDK requires adding the Google Admob advertisement network as well in your ironSource advert mediation.

5. If the Debug property is checked, the plugin will log information and errors in the console for mobile debugging. Set this unchecked for your production release builds.

6. If you want to test launching the consent dialog form, you can check the Test advert property to enable location testing.

  • To be able to launch the consent dialog form, you need to set the Test location property to either Inside the EU or Unknown.

  • Alternatively, if you have a VPN you can also change your device's region to a country in the European Economic Area, for example: France.



The Mobile Consent plugin integrates the User Messaging Platform SDK into your mobile application projects for Android and iOS, with support for both the Mobile IronSource Collection and Google Admob Collection.

Event Sheet

Sample event sheet implementation for both the Mobile IronSource Collection and the Google Admob Collection.

Key reminders:

  • If you use the Mobile Consent plugin, then both the Mobile IronSource Collection and the Google Admob Collection and all their advertisement networks in ad-network mediation automatically receives the consent state of the user.

  • For the Mobile IronSource Collection, you no longer need to use the Set consent action, the Mobile Consent plugin will handle that for you automatically.

  • For the Google Admob Collection, you no longer need to use the Set user consent action, the Mobile Consent plugin will handle that for you automatically.

Initialization reminders:

  • If you plan to use the Mobile Consent plugin with the Mobile IronSource Collection, please make sure to initialize the Mobile Consent plugin first before initializing the Mobile IronSource Collection.

    • Make sure to also obtain the user's consent state before initializing the Mobile IronSource Collection. You can do this by launching the consent dialog when it is required.

    • If you have already launched the consent dialog on a previous session, and the user had already chosen a consent state, regardless of the user's decision. Then, you do not have to relaunch the consent dialog, you can immediately proceed to the initialization of the Mobile IronSource object.

  • If you plan to use the Mobile Consent plugin with the Google Admob Collection, please make sure to initialize the Mobile Consent plugin first before initializing the Google Admob Collection.

    • Make sure to also obtain the user's consent state before initializing the Google Admob Collection. You can do this by launching the consent dialog when it is required.

    • If you have already launched the consent dialog on a previous session, and the user had already chosen a consent state, regardless of the user's decision. Then, you do not have to relaunch the consent dialog, you can immediately proceed to the initialization of the Google Admob object.

Consent dialog tips:

  • The Mobile Consent plugin and its consent dialog will retain or persist the user's consent state in future sessions. Therefore, you do not have to keep launching the consent dialog in every application session.

    • Use the condition "Is consent obtained" to check if the user's consent state is already obtained. If true, then you do not need to relaunch the consent dialog.

    • You can also use the condition "Is in EEA or unknown" to check if you should launch the consent dialog. This condition will not be true if the user's consent state is already obtained.


Actions, Conditions & Expressions


The following action groups:

  • General

  • iOS

  • Consent


  • Initialize - Run to initialize the mobile consent plugin.


  • Request IDFA - Run to request tracking authorization (IDFA) for iOS applications, and launch the consent dialog.

  • Update tracking status - Run to retrieve the latest tracking authorization status for iOS.


  • Show dialog - Launch a requested and loaded consent dialog.

  • Reset - Run action to reset the user's consent information.

  • Update dialog status - Run to request status update for the consent form dialog.

  • Update consent status - Run to request status update regarding the user's consent.

  • Create dialog - Request and load a consent dialog.

    • Auto Show - If checked, the consent dialog will launch immediately after loading.


The following condition groups:

  • General

  • iOS

  • Consent

  • Advert


  • On initialized - Trigger fires upon initialization.

  • On initialize failed - Trigger fires upon initialization failure.

  • Is initialized - Check if the mobile consent plugin is already initialized.


  • On IDFA request - Trigger fires upon completing the tracking authorization request, regardless of outcome.

  • On update tracking status - Trigger fires upon updating the tracking status with the latest information.

  • Compare tracking auth - Compare the tracking authorization status (IDFA) for iOS.

  • Status - Compare the tracking authorization status from the selection.

  • Is tracking authorized - Check if tracking is authorized for iOS (IDFA), by the user's consent.


  • On create dialog - Trigger fires upon request and load completion of the consent dialog, regardless of outcome.

  • On show dialog - Trigger fires upon launching the consent dialog.

  • On update dialog status - Trigger fires upon updating the consent dialog status with the latest information.

  • On update consent status - Trigger fires upon updating the consent status with the latest information.

  • Compare debug geography - Compare the debug consent geography.

    • Geography - Select the geography to compare for debugging.

  • Compare Dialog Status - Compare the consent dialog form status.

    • Status - Select the form status to compare.

  • Compare Consent Status - Compare the consent status.

    • Status - Select the consent status to compare.


  • Is consent obtained - Check Check if the user has already given or denied consent.

  • Is in EEA or unknown - Is true if the device is inside the EEA or the location is unknown.

  • Is personalized ads - [Deprecated] Check if personalized advertisement is preferred by the user.


The following expression groups:

  • iOS

  • Consent