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The Set plugin is specifically designed to extend the game engine's features to implement the JS Set API, for games built in Construct 3.

The Set plugin allows you to store unique data efficiently. In comparison with the Array object, which is made to efficiently tolerate ununique data.

The Set plugin allows both instantaneous declaration of set and gradual creation of set by defining the elements and their set.

The Set plugin is a sole Construct 3 editor and c3runtime implementation, dedicated for optimization and performance with c3runtime using ES6 API features. 

PlayFab API v2.png


Step 1.png

The Construct Master Collection has plugins that extends the editor and engine features of both Construct 3 and Construct 2.

Please click here to learn more about Game.


The Set plugin is specifically designed to extend the game engine's features to implement the JS Set API, for games built in Construct 3.

The Set plugin allows you to store unique data efficiently. In comparison with the Array object, which is made to efficiently tolerate duplication.

The Set plugin allows both instantaneous declaration of set and gradual creation of set by defining the elements and their set.

The Set plugin is a sole Construct 3 editor and c3runtime implementation, dedicated for optimization and performance with c3runtime using ES6 API features.

Here are some of the game features of the game plugin:

  • Set - JavaScript API

  • Create, define and plan a set data structure.

    • Instantaneous declaration to create a set temporarily and anonymously in an event.

      • Actions

      • Conditions

      • Expressions

    • Create a set with name, reference and memory allocation.

      • Plan elements to create with their set.

        • Plan set element

        • Remove set element plan

        • Clear set element plans

      • Clear Set

      • Set, insert, remove or update elements in a set.

        • Add

        • Delete

  • Set - JavaScript ES6 API tools

    • Actions

    • Conditions

      • Loops through a created set.

      • Check if a set exists.

      • Check if an element exists in a set.

      • Loops through an instantaneously defined set.

      • Checks if an element exists in an instantaneously defined set.

    • Expressions

      • Current element in a set's element loop.

      • Check if an element exists in a set.

      • Get the size of a set.

      • Checks if an element exists in an instantaneously defined set.

      • Get the size of an instantaneously defined set.

  • Easy to use with the Construct 3 editor and event sheet.

  • Well maintained and fully tested for production release.

For more information about game project features, please click here to read the introductory lessons to Game.

Platform Integration

Here are some of the platforms that are natively supported:

  • All platforms supported by Construct 3.

  • Web

  • Mobile Web

  • Desktop

  • Android

  • iOS

Build Support

Here are some of the supported build options:

  • Web

  • Desktop

    • NW.js

    • Windows (WebView2)

    • macOS (WKWebView)

  • Mobile

  • Construct 3 Build Service

  • Facebook Instant Games

  • Playable Ad

  • Construct Arcade

Editor Features

Here are some of the features in the Construct editor:

  • Construct 3


How to use?

It is easy to use the Set plugin, you will only need to follow the steps below.

1. The first step is to add the Set object into the project.



There is currently nothing to show, we will add more in the future.

User Guide

The Set plugin allows the implementation of the Set JavaScript ES6 API with both instantaneous declarations, and create declarations by defining the elements and the set. The Set plugin allows you to store unique data efficiently. In comparison with the Array object, which is made to efficiently tolerate duplication.

The Set has two (2) different methods in declaring its elements or values.

  • One is the instantaneous declaration where you can declare the list of elements in the same line, both from conditions and expressions, which the built-in Construct cannot efficiently do without this feature.

  • Another is the create-based declaration of elements and set name. This one works similar with the built-in Array object, only that it deduplicates unique values, and well equipped and more efficient for one-dimensional (1D) lists.

The Set plugin is a useful data structure tool for game or app development, where it efficiently processes and manages list and set values, which is commonly done in all sorts of applications.

Instantaneous Set

Define and Create Set

Related Plugins

  • Array - is a built-in feature in Construct 3 and Construct 2. The Array object specializes in 3 dimensional arrays and tolerant to duplication of elements, which is comparable to the Set plugin. The Set plugin on the other hand specializes in one (1) dimensional lists with unique elements and instantaneous implementations.


Actions, Conditions & Expressions


The following action groups:

  • General

  • Manual


  • Create - Creates a predefined set, which can be used later on by specification.

    • Set - The name of the new set to create.

  • Plan Element - Plan an element to add for the next "Create" action, to construct a set.

    • Element - A value, either a string or number, to be added to the next set "Create" action.

  • Clear Plans - Clears all the plans made using the "Plan Element" action.

  • Remove Plan - Remove a plan made using the "Plan Element" action.

    • Element - A value, either a string or number, to be removed from the plans list for the next set "Create" action.

  • Clear - Clear the specified predefined set.

    • Set - The set to clear.


  • Add - Adds a new element to the specified set. Creates the set if non-existing.

    • Element - A value, either a string or number, to be added to the specified set.

    • Set - The set, to add the element into.

  • Delete - Deletes an element to the specified set. Only applicable if the set is existing.

    • Element - A value, either a string or number, to be added to the specified set.

    • Set - The set, to remove the element from.


The following condition groups:

  • General

  • Instantaneous


  • For Each - Loops through a specified predefined set of elements.

    • Set - The name of the set to loop through.

  • Has Element - Checks if an element exists on the specified predefined set.

    • Target - The target element to check if it exists in the set.

    • Set - The name of the set to check elements.

  • Has Set - Checks if a set exists.

    • Set - The name of the set to check if existing.


  • Has Element (String) - Checks if an element exists on the instantaneously defined set.

    • Target - The target element to check if it exists in the set.

    • Set - Input the set, example "Item1,Item2,Item3".

    • Separator - Separator for the set of string-type elements.

  • For Each (String) - Loops through an instantaneously defined set of string-type elements.

    • Set - Input the set, example "Item1,Item2,Item3".

    • Separator - Separator for the set of string-type elements.


The following expression groups:

  • General

  • Instantaneous

  • For Each


  • Size - Returns the set size; the number of elements in the specified predefined set.

    • "Set" - The set to check the size.

  • HasElement - Returns 1 if it exists, 0 if not. Syntax: "HasElement(Target, Set)". 'Target' is the element to look up and 'Set' is the name of the set.

    • "Target" - The target element to check if it exists in the set.

    • "Set" - The name of the set to check elements.


  • SetSize - Returns the set size; the number of elements in the specified instantaneous set. Syntax: SetSize("Item1,Item2,Item3", Separator).

    • "Item1,Item2,Item3" - Input the set, example "Item1,Item2,Item3".

    • "," - The separator for the set of string-type elements.

  • HasSetElement - Returns 1 if it exists, 0 if not. Syntax: "HasSetElement(Target, "Item1,Item2,Item3", Separator)". 'Target' is the element to look up and 'Separator' is the string to split the set items.

    • "Target" - The target element to check if it exists in the set.

    • "Item1,Item2,Item3" - Input the set, example "Item1,Item2,Item3".

    • "," - The separator for the set of string-type elements.

For Each

  • CurElement - Returns the current value from the 'For Each' or 'For Each (String)' loop conditions.

Object   Properties

Plugin Properties



The Set plugin allows the implementation of the Set ES6 JavaScript API with both an instantaneous declaration, and creation based set declaration by defining the elements and their set.

Instantaneous Set

Define and Create Set

Game Projects

Game Projects 

Instructions Kit


  • Instructions - The game project contains instructions and steps on how to use the addon and its features.

  • Action, Conditions and Expressions - It covers the implementation of each action, condition and expression.

  • Tips and Tricks - It provides some tips and tricks on the recommended ways of using the addon.



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