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Firebase Remote Config

The Firebase Remote Config plugin is specifically designed to implement native mobile Firebase Remote Configuration features through the Firebase Remote Config Android SDK and Firebase Remote Config iOS SDK in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3.

The Firebase Remote Config plugin lets you change and update variables, data, information, behavior and appearance of your application without requiring users to install an update through Firebase's remote configuration feature.

The Firebase Remote Config plugin also has built-in Construct 3 scripting support with JavaScript.

PlayFab API v2.png


Step 1.png

The Construct Master Collection supports the full and easy integration of native mobile Android SDKs and iOS SDKs for both Construct 3 and Construct 2.

Please click here to learn more about Mobile.


The Firebase Remote Config plugin integrates the native mobile Firebase Remote Config Android SDK and Firebase Remote Config iOS SDK into an application project made in Construct 3, with support for both Android and iOS. The Firebase Remote Config plugin implements Firebase Remote Config for Android and iOS through fetching, activating and retrieving Firebase cloud configuration data into your application.

Here are some of the native features of the mobile plugin:

  • Firebase Android SDK

  • Firebase iOS SDK

  • Firebase Remote Config Android SDK

  • Firebase Remote Config iOS SDK

  • Firebase API

  • Firebase Remote Config

  • Activate Firebase configuration data.

  • Fetch Firebase configuration data.

  • Activate and fetch configuration data.

  • Get and retrieve configuration data.

  • Get string data

  • Get number data

  • Get boolean data

  • Get byte data

  • Construct 3 Scripting support (JavaScript)

  • Well maintained and fully tested for production release.

For more information about native mobile or Android and iOS features, please click here to learn the introductory lessons to Mobile.

Platform Integration

Here are some of the platforms that are natively supported:

  • Android

  • iOS

  • Native Android

  • Native iOS

Build Support

Here are some of the supported build options:

Editor Features

Here are some of the features in the Construct editor:

  • Construct 3


How to use?

It is easy to use the Firebase Remote Config plugin, you will only need to follow the steps below.

1. The first step is to add the Firebase Analytics object into the project. This is a prerequisite to integrate the Firebase Remote Config Android SDK and Firebase Remote Config iOS SDK.

2. The second step is to finally add the Firebase Remote Config object into the project.

3. If the Debug property is checked, the plugin will log information and errors in the console for mobile debugging. Set this unchecked for your production release builds. [This is currently disabled, but reserved for future use.]

4. The Android Version plugin property allows you to choose the Android Firebase Remote Config SDK version. Please always try and test compatibility before publishing your build whenever you change the version.

5. The iOS Version plugin property allows you to choose the iOS Firebase Remote Config SDK version. Please always try and test compatibility before publishing your build whenever you change the version.

Integration Tutorial

Google Play Services

  • To use Firebase Remote Config, the plugin requires your Firebase application's googles-services.json (android) and GoogleService-Info.plist (iOS) added in your Construct 3 project.

  • You can get these files from your Firebase Console.

  • Import the files in the Files folder of your Construct 3 project.

  • Congratulations, you have now successfully integrated Google Services for Firebase Remote Config in your Construct 3 application project.

AdSupport Framework (iOS)

  • In order to collect demographic, age, gender data, etc., you should additionally include the AdSupport.framework into your project.



The Firebase Remote Config plugin is specifically designed to implement native mobile Firebase Remote Configuration features through the Firebase Remote Config Android SDK and Firebase Remote Config iOS SDK in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3.

Feature Tutorial

The Firebase Remote Config plugin is straightforward to use in Construct 3.

The only requirements are a Firebase account for an Android or iOS application. Parameters declared in the Firebase Remote Config console, which will be retrieved by your Android or iOS application. And finally, matching the app id of your Construct 3 project application and Firebase application project.

Please kindly follow the steps below for the integration process walkthrough.

Step 1 - Firebase

The first step is making a Firebase account, with an Android or iOS application.

Then, include the values you want your Construct 3 application to fetch, activate and retrieve.

Step 2 - Android Application ID

The second step is to match the application id of your Construct 3 project with your Firebase Android or iOS application in the Firebase Console. This will be the basis for the integration and synchronization.

Step 3 - Retrieving Configs

The third and final step is to retrieve the configurations data from your Android or iOS application, implemented by your Construct 3 project through the Firebase Remote Config plugin.

This is assuming you have already followed the steps in the Instructions and Built Integration Tutorial page sections of this plugin's documentation.

After that is all done, you now have fully integrated the Firebase Remote Config in your Construct 3 mobile application projects, for both Android and iOS.


Actions, Conditions & Expressions


The following action groups:

  • General

  • Get


  • Fetch - Starts fetching configs, adhering to the specified minimum fetch interval of 1 hour.

    • Hours - Interval, with a minimum of 1 hour.

  • Activate - Asynchronously activates the most recently fetched configs, so that the fetched key value pairs take effect.

  • Fetch Activate - Asynchronously fetches and then activates the fetched configs.


  • Get Value - Get parameter values from the Firebase Remote Config object.

    • Key - The parameter key.

    • Type - The data type of the value.

    • Tag - The tag to differentiate requests.


The following condition groups:

  • General

  • Get


  • Is Initialized - Check if Firebase Remote Config has initialized.

  • On Fetch - Trigger fires after a successful fetch.

  • On Activate - Trigger fires after a successful activation.

  • On Fetch - Activate - Trigger fires after a successful fetch-activate.

  • On Fetch Fail - Trigger fires after a fetch failure.

  • On Activate Fail - Trigger fires after an activation failure.

  • On Fetch-Activate Fail - Trigger fires after a fetch-activate failure.


  • On Get Value - Trigger fires upon completion of the get value request.

    • Type - The data type of the value.

    • Tag - The tag to differentiate requests.

  • On Any Get - Trigger fires upon any completion of a get value request.


The following expression groups:

  • Get


  • GetBoolean - Returns 1 for (true) or 0 for (false).

  • GetString - Returns the string value.

  • GetNumber - Returns the number value.

  • GetByte - Returns the byte value, from ArrayBuffer to Base64 string.

  • Tag - Return the tag to differentiate requests.

  • Key - Return the current parameter key.

  • Type - Return the current parameter type. ('boolean', 'string', 'number' or 'byte')

Object   Properties

Plugin Properties

The following property groups:

  • Configuration

  • Android

  • iOS

Configuration - The plugin configuration section.

  • Debug - Toggle checked to enable logs in the browser console.

Android - The Android SDK configuration section.

  • SDK version - The Android Firebase Remote Config SDK version.

    • 21.0.+

iOS - The iOS SDK configuration section.

  • SDK version - The iOS Firebase Remote Config Pod version.

    • 8.8.+



The Firebase Analytics plugin with the Firebase Remote Config plugin, to implement and integrate both the Firebase Analytics SDK and Firebase Remote Configuration SDK, for both Android and iOS.

Game Projects

Game Projects 

Instructions Kit


  • Instructions - The game project contains instructions and steps on how to use the addon and its features.

  • Action, Conditions and Expressions - It covers the implementation of each action, condition and expression.

  • Tips and Tricks - It provides some tips and tricks on the recommended ways of using the addon.



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