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Mobile Notification

The Mobile Notification plugin is specifically designed to implement native mobile local notifications features in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3.

Local notification features have multiple types including basic notifications, action notifications and text notifications.

  • Basic notifications include easy notifications, batched notifications, silent notifications and media notifications.

  • Action notifications include button notifications, alert notifications, input notifications and progress bar notifications.

  • Text notifications include conversation notifications, group or channel notifications, and overriding or updating notifications.

All notification types can be mixed, if compatible. And launched in different ways including basic instant launches, by date, by date intervals, repeating time duration or relative time.

The Mobile Notification plugin also include other essential local notification features including events, privacy compliance features, permissions and consent, and notification listeners.

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The Construct Master Collection supports the full and easy integration of native mobile Android SDKs and iOS SDKs for both Construct 3 and Construct 2.

Please click here to learn more about Mobile.


The Mobile Notification plugin is specifically designed to implement native mobile local notifications features in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3.

Here are some of the native features of the mobile plugin:

  • Android SDK

  • iOS SDK

  • Mobile notifications

  • Local notifications

  • Offline notifications

  • Basic notifications

    • Easy notifications

    • Batched notifications

    • Silent notifications

    • Media notifications

  • Action notifications

    • Button notifications

    • Alert notifications

    • Input notifications

    • Progress bar notifications

  • Text notifications

    • Label notifications

    • Conversation notifications

    • Update conversation notifications

    • Group notifications

    • Channel notifications

  • Overriding notifications

  • Updating notifications

  • Notification events

  • Notification listeners

  • Notification icons

    • Project files

    • System icons

    • Default icon

  • Notification attachments (media)

    • Link

    • Link files

    • Directory files

    • Project files

  • Notification launches

    • Basic instant launch

    • Launch by date

    • Launch by date intervals

    • Launch by repeating time duration

    • Launch by relative time

  • Privacy compliance features

  • Permissions

  • Consent and consent dialog

  • Well maintained and fully tested on all platforms and platform versions, and ready for production release.

For more information about native mobile or Android and iOS features, please click here to learn the introductory lessons to Mobile.

Platform Integration

Here are some of the platforms that are natively supported:

  • Android

  • iOS

  • Native Android

  • Native iOS

Build Support

Here are some of the supported build options:

Editor Features

Here are some of the features in the Construct editor:

  • Construct 3


How to use?

It is easy to use the Mobile Notification plugin, you will only need to follow the steps below.

1. The first step is to add the Mobile Notification object into the project.



There is currently nothing to show, we will add more in the future.


Actions, Conditions & Expressions


The following action groups:

  • Create

  • Conversation

  • Update

  • Button

  • Launch

  • Init

  • Compliance

  • Listener

  • Input

  • Cancel


  • Create - Create notification at a specified date time.

    • Title - The title of the notification.

    • Text Mode - If 'label', it will display the text property. If 'conversation', it will load the conversation thread with the id matching the text property.

    • Text - The text description or the conversation id, depending on the text mode.

    • Channel - A unique channel id, to group notifications.

    • Icon Mode - If 'default', it will load url links and raw directories. If 'files', it will load the project files.

    • Icon - If 'default', input the directory or url link. If 'files', input the project file name, e.g. 'image.png'.

    • Button - The id of the created button action group to insert.

    • Input - The id of the created input action group to insert.

    • Progress - The value of the progress bar, from 0 to 100.

    • Announce - Toggle to announce the notification, otherwise the notification will be silent.

    • Id - The index (number from 0) identifier of the notification.

  • Plan Attachment - Plan an attachment for the next create notification.

    • Lookup - If 'link', load from a directory or url link. If 'project', load from project files, e.g. 'image.png'

    • Reference - Input the directory, link or project file name, depending on the lookup method.


  • Create Conversation - Combine all recent planned messages to form a conversation.

    • Id - The conversation identifier.

  • Plan Message - Plan a message to include in the next conversation.

    • Message - A message in a conversation thread.

    • Person - The person who sends the message, empty for self.


  • Update Conversation - Update conversation notification.

    • Id - The index (number from 0) identifier of the notification.

    • Conversation - The id of the replacement conversation.


  • Plan Button - Plan a button for the next create button.

    • Id - The identifier of the button.

    • Title - The title of the button.

    • Listen - Toggle true to automatically listen for this custom event.

  • Create Button - Create a button group from recently planned buttons, which is used when creating notifications.

    • Button Id - The button id, which can be referenced when creating notifications.


  • Launch - Launch created notifications now.

  • Launch (Date) - Launch created notifications at a specified date time or string.

    • Time - The date time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, or the date string.

  • Launch In - Launch created notifications in a relative amount of unit of time.

    • Unit - The unit of time of the notification launch duration.

    • Duration - The duration before the notification launch, relative to the unit of time.

  • Launch (Repeating) - Launch created notifications repeatedly in a relative amount of unit of time.

    • Unit - The unit of time of the notification launch interval.

  • Launch (Every Date) - Launch created notifications every matching date.

    • Year - The matching year to launch notifications, empty string if inapplicable.

    • Month - The matching month to launch notifications, empty string if inapplicable.

    • Day - The matching day to launch notifications, empty string if inapplicable.

    • Hour - The matching hour to launch notifications, empty string if inapplicable.

    • Minute - The matching minute to launch notifications, empty string if inapplicable.


  • Initialize - Run to initialize your application's mobile notification features.


  • Request Permission - Request consent from the user to launch notifications.

  • Force Launch Permission Dialog - If consent has not yet been given, force to launch the notification permission dialog. (Android)


  • Listen - Listen for a custom event.

    • Event Name - The custom event name to listen to, including actions like buttons and inputs.


  • Plan Input - Add a button for the next create button.

    • Id - The identifier of the input button.

    • Title - The title of the input button.

    • Placeholder Text - The initial displayed label when the text input is empty.

    • Listen - Toggle true to automatically listen for this custom event.

  • Create Input - Create an input button group from recently planned input buttons, which is used when creating notifications.

    • Input Id - The input button id, which can be referenced when creating notifications.


  • Cancel - Cancel a scheduled notification by id.

    • Id - The index (number from 0) identifier of the notification.

  • Cancel All - Cancel all scheduled notifications.


The following condition groups:

  • Init

  • Compliance

  • Listener


  • On Initialized - Trigger fires when the mobile notification features have completely initialized.

  • Is Initialized - Check if the mobile notification features have been completely initialized.


  • Is Consent Given - Check if the user approved to launch notifications.

  • On Request Permission - Trigger fires when a request permission action has finished, with the user's consent status.

    • Consent Status - Choose the consent status to compare.


  • On Event - Trigger fires when an event is fired.

    • Event - Choose the event to listen to.

  • On Action - Trigger fires when a custom event is fired.

    • Event - Input the event name or action id, to listen to.

  • On Any Event - Trigger fires when any event, including actions, is fired.


The following expression groups:

  • Current


  • Event - The current event name, from an event listener.

  • EventData - The current event data in JSON string, from an event listener.

  • EventOpts - The current event options data in JSON string, from an event listener.

  • EventInput - The current event input text from an input notification.

Object   Properties

Plugin Properties

The following property groups:

  • Config

  • Notification

  • Listeners

Config - Configure the addon functionality.

  • Debug - If checked, the plugin will log process details for debugging.

Notification - Set the notification preferences.

  • Icon - Set the application notification icon, either to the app's icon or the operating system's icon.

    • Project

    • System

  • Skip Consent - When creating notifications, it automatically asks the user for permission, check to skip this.

Listeners - Set the event listener preferences.

  • Add - Listen for added notifications.

  • Trigger - Listen for notifications where their trigger fired.

  • Click - Listen for clicked notifications.

  • Clear - Listen for when notifications are cleared.

  • Cancel - Listen for cancelled notifications.

  • Update - Listen for updated notifications.

  • Clear All - Listen for when all notifications are cleared.

  • Cancel All - Listen for when all notifications are cancelled.



The Mobile Notification plugin is specifically designed to implement native mobile local notifications features in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3.

Game Projects

Game Projects 

Instructions Kit


  • Instructions - The game project contains instructions and steps on how to use the addon and its features.

  • Action, Conditions and Expressions - It covers the implementation of each action, condition and expression.

  • Tips and Tricks - It provides some tips and tricks on the recommended ways of using the addon.



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