PlayFab API
The PlayFab API plugin integrates the JavaScript SDK for the PlayFab service into your Construct 3 or Construct 2 applications. It is a requirement to run any other plugins in the PlayFab Master Collection.
With this plugin, you are able to take advantage of all account and networking system features available in PlayFab into your game application. You are then able to start calling PlayFab methods, or use the collection plugins to do them for you.
It is required to include this plugin into your project before using any other PlayFab plugins.
The Construct Master Collection supports the full and easy integration of the PlayFab service for both Construct 3 and Construct 2.
Please click here to learn more about PlayFab.
Here are some of the features of the PlayFab service:
Account management
Account information system
Authoritative server
Studio and game systems.
Game application data, shared across all users.
Studio applications data, shared across all games and users under a studio.
User game data
User studio data
Email, username, password or company login
Cryptography or custom identification
Android login
iOS login
Apple Sign In
Authentication linking, able to add or remove authentication methods.
Social connect authentications
Leaderboards with social connect to Steam and Xbox games
Email management system
Advertisement implementation, with compliant advertising.
Google AdSense
Google AdMob
IronSource ad-network mediation
Player management
Player information system
Server clock, time management features
Friend management, sync features with friends.
Store features, including catalogs and inventories.
Currencies, both virtual and real monetary currencies.
In-App Purchases and In-App Billing support.
Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Cloud Script, easily write your own personalized server scripts in JavaScript.
Photon Realtime, a cloud based multiplayer plugin, with full PlayFab integration.
Photon Chat, a cloud based multiplayer chat plugin, with full PlayFab integration.
For more information about all the integrated PlayFab service features, please click here to learn the introductory lessons to PlayFab.
Editor Features
Here are some of the features in the Construct editor:
All platforms support, including web, mobile and desktop.
Construct 3
Construct 2
Native mobile integration
Construct 3 mobile app build service support.
Android Studio
Cordova CLI
How to use?
It is easy to use the PlayFab API plugin, you will only need to follow the steps below.
1. Add the PlayFab API object into your project.
2. Log in to your PlayFab account, or sign up if you do not have one yet.
3. Then, create a project and copy its title id.
4. From your Construct 3 project, click the PlayFab API object.
5. Then, go to the Properties Bar while the object is selected. This will show the Title Id property where you will input the value from the one in your PlayFab Console.
6. Finally, set the other plugin properties.
Debug Mode - allows the PlayFab Master Collection to make logs of the response JSON data from the PlayFab servers. This is very important when it comes to debugging received server data. The logs are accessible through the Developer Console, which is launched by pressing (F12) during preview.
Client Profile Data - are additional data you want included in the response callback from the PlayFab servers. This is only ran when the server allows that type of response for the command.
Client Sensitive Data - are additional sensitive data you want included in the response callback from the PlayFab servers. This is only ran when the server allows that type of response for the command. Compared to the Client Profile Data, these server responses are sensitive, therefore should be taken precaution before allowing to be received by the client.
7. Finally, you can now use the PlayFab API object, and include more PlayFab addons for more features.
There is currently nothing to show, we will add more in the future.
Actions, Conditions & Expressions
The actions for the PlayFab API plugin.
The actions for the PlayFab API plugin.
The following action groups:
PlayFab API
Logout - Forget all credentials and any previous authentications are logged out.
Set Title Id - Set the Unique identifier for the Application Title.
This is found on your PlayFab Console.
You can set this on the Properties Bar.
Call API Method - Call a Client API method from PlayFab.
Method - The method key from the PlayFab Client API documentation.
Data (JSON) - The request data to pass with the api method call, in JSON string.
Custom Data (JSON) - The custom data to pass with the api request, in JSON string.
The following condition groups:
PlayFab API
The conditions for the PlayFab API plugin.
The conditions for the PlayFab API plugin.
Is Logged In - Condition to check if the current user has authenticated to enable user-based PlayFab API features.
Is Initialized - Condition to check if the API is already loaded and available.
To be safe, check this initially when the application first starts before starting the PlayFab service.
You only have to check for this once, usually when your application starts.
On Call API Response - Trigger fires if a Call API Method succeeded with a response from the PlayFab server.
On Call API Error - Trigger fires if a Call API Method received an error from the PlayFab server.
The expressions for the PlayFab API plugin.
The expressions for the PlayFab API plugin.
The following expressions groups:
PlayFab API
GetTitleID- Return the title id declared in the plugin properties.
Response- Return the response data from the recent On Call API Response or On Call API Error, in JSON string.