Google Ads
The Google Ads plugin is specifically designed to implement Google Ads for Games (H5) features in the Ads Placement API in your HTML 5 applications with Google AdSense, for games built in Construct 3.
The Google Ads plugin covers all the features in the Ads Placement API for Google H5 Ads (Beta). Features include preroll advertisements, interstitial advertisements and rewarded advertisements.
Google Ads supports desktop, mobile and web, with an optional feature to also integrate Google Admob advertisements for mobile browsers.


The Construct Master Collection supports the full and easy integration of HTML 5 SDKs for web applications in web, mobile and desktop browsers, for both Construct 3 and Construct 2.
Please click here to learn more about Web.
The Google Ads plugin is specifically designed to implement Google Ads for Games (H5) features in the Ads Placement API in your HTML 5 applications with Google AdSense, for games built in Construct 3.
The Google Ads plugin covers all the features in the Ads Placement API for Google H5 Ads (Beta). Features include preroll advertisements, interstitial advertisements and rewarded advertisements.
Google Ads supports supports desktop, mobile and web, with an optional feature to also integrate Google Admob advertisements for mobile browsers.
Here are some of the web features of the web plugin:
Google Ads
Preroll advertisements
Intertitial advertisements
Rewarded advertisements
Frequency Hint
Host Platform
Page URL
Data Privacy Compliances
Child targeted advertisements
Underage of consent
Debugging tools
Test advertisements
Script mode
Well maintained and fully tested for production release.
For more information about web application features, please click here to learn the introductory lessons to Web.
Platform Integration
Here are some of the platforms that are natively supported:
All platforms supported by Construct 3.
Mobile Web
Build Support
Here are some of the supported build options:
Windows (WebView2)
macOS (WKWebView)
Android Studio
Construct 3 Build Service
Construct Arcade
Editor Features
Here are some of the features in the Construct editor:
Construct 3
How to use?
It is easy to use the Google Ads plugin, you will only need to follow the steps below.
1. The first step is to add the Google Ads object into the project.

2. To enable logs in the console for web debugging, enable the Debug property in the Properties bar.

3. To get started, set the Publisher Id property with the publisher id of the advertisement account.
4. You can optionally add support for Google Admob advertisements for web mobile by filling up your credentials in the Admob Interstitial Id and Admob Rewarded Id fields.
5. To test advertisements, make sure to check the Test advert property in the Danger section. Make sure to uncheck this before you release for production.
6. You can leave all other properties in their default state. However, we recommend customizing these to match your web application's preferences.
Here are the following official documentation and guides into setting up your HTML5 (H5) Games Ads (Beta) with the Ad Placement API.
Actions, Conditions & Expressions

The following action groups:
Set Preload - Set whether to always preload ads or let it load automatically.
Preload - Set to always preload or load automatically.
Set Sound - Set advertisement sound on or off.
Sound - Whether to turn sound on or off.
Initialize - Run to initialize the Google Ads for games SDK.
Create Interstitial - Create an interstitial advertisement.
Placement - A descriptive name for this placement.
Type - The type of placement for the interstitial advertisement.
Create Preroll - Create a preroll advertisement.
Create Rewarded - Create a rewarded advertisement.
Placement - A descriptive name for this placement.
Auto show - Automatically show the rewarded advertisement upon loaded.
Show Rewarded - Show a loaded and ready rewarded advertisement.
The following condition groups:

On Ready - Trigger fires when the advertisement sdk has finished initializing.
Is Ready - Check if the google advertisement sdk is ready.
On Interstitial Start - Trigger fires just before an interstitial advertisement starts.
On Interstitial End - Trigger fires just after an interstitial advertisement ends.
On Interstitial Finish - Trigger fires after an interstitial finished, regardless if the ad was shown or not.
Is Interstitial Playing - Check if an interstitial advertisement is playing.
On Preroll Finish - Trigger fires when a preroll is finished, regardless if the ad was shown or not.
On Rewarded Start - Trigger fires just before a rewarded advertisement starts.
On Rewarded End - Trigger fires just after a rewarded advertisement ends.
On Rewarded Dismissed - Trigger fires when a rewarded advertisement has been closed before completing.
On Rewarded Ready - Trigger fires when a rewarded advertisement is available to show and play.
On Rewarded Completed - Trigger fires when a rewarded advertisement is completed and reward should be granted.
On Rewarded Finish - Trigger fires when a rewarded is finished, regardless if the ad was shown or not.
On Rewarded Load Cancelled - Trigger fires when a loaded rewarded advert is cancelled by the Google Ads API, due to changes that makes the loaded rewarded advert to be no longer valid.
Is Rewarded Ready - Check if a rewarded advertisement is ready.
Is Rewarded Playing - Check if a rewarded advertisement is playing.

The following expression groups:
AdType - Returns the type of advertisement.
AdName - Returns the placement name of the advertisement.
AdStatus - The status of the advertisement placement.
AdFormat - Returns the advertisement format of the placement.
The Google Ads plugin is specifically designed to implement Google Ads for Games (H5) features in the Ads Placement API in your HTML 5 applications with Google AdSense, for games built in Construct 3.

Game Projects
Instructions Kit

Instructions - The game project contains instructions and steps on how to use the addon and its features.
Action, Conditions and Expressions - It covers the implementation of each action, condition and expression.
Tips and Tricks - It provides some tips and tricks on the recommended ways of using the addon.