ironSource Ads
The ironSource Ads plugin is an adapter designed to implement native mobile ironSource Ads advertisements through the ironSource Ads Android SDK and ironSource Ads iOS SDK, in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3.
The ironSource Ads plugin supports app open, banner, interstitial, rewarded interstitial and rewarded video advertisements. It also has complete advertisement features with GDPR, CCPA, COPPA and Google Play's Design Apps for Families Programs.
Maximize your earnings from your game and general applications with ad-network mediation with ironSource Ads through Google Admob's ad-network mediation. You can add more advertisement networks by adding other ad-network plugins in the Google Admob Collection.
The Construct Master Collection supports the full and easy integration of all native mobile advertisement network Android SDKs and iOS SDKs for Construct 3, with Google Admob advertisement network mediation.
Please click here to learn more about Google Admob ad-network mediation.
The ironSource Ads plugin is an adapter designed to implement native mobile ironSource advertisements through the ironSource Android SDK and ironSource iOS SDK, in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3.
The ironSource Ads plugin supports app open, banner, interstitial, rewarded interstitial and rewarded video advertisements. It also has complete advertisement features with GDPR, CCPA, COPPA and Google Play's Design Apps for Families Programs.
Maximize your earnings from your game and general applications with ad-network mediation with ironSource through Google Admob's ad-network mediation. You can add more advertisement networks by adding other ad-network plugins in the Google Admob Collection.
Here are some of the native features of the mobile plugin:
ironSource Ads Android SDK
ironSource Ads iOS SDK
ironSource Ads
Android advert network mediation SDK
iOS advert network mediation SDK
Complete advertisement network mediation features with Google Admob.
Complete advertisement network mediation integration with Google Admob.
ironSource Ads advertisements
Complete ironSource Ads features.
Banner advertisements
Adaptive banner advertisements
Interstitial advertisements
Rewarded video advertisements
Data privacy protection and regulation compliances.
GDPR compliance
CCPA compliance
COPPA compliance
Google Play's Design Apps for Families Programs
Complete advertisement management features.
Native mobile debugging features
Well maintained and fully tested for production release.
For more information about integrating native mobile advertisement mediation features for both Android and iOS, please click to read the introductory lessons to Google Admob.
Platform Integration
Here are some of the platforms that are natively supported:
Native Android
Native iOS
Build Support
Here are some of the supported build options:
Construct 3 Build Service
Android Studio
Editor Features
Here are some of the features in the Construct editor:
Construct 3
How to use?
It is easy to use the ironSource Ads plugin, you will only need to follow the steps below.
1. The first step is to add the Google Admob object into the project.
2. The second step is to add the ironSource Ads plugin into the project.
3. Make sure it is the ironSource Ads plugin in the Google Admob Collection.
The ironSource Ads plugin is an adapter designed to implement native ironSource Ads advertisements through the -mobile Ads Android SDK and ironSource Ads iOS SDK, in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3.
Platform Configuration
The ironSource ad-network mediation requires you to have an active ironSource account. You need to manage that account separately from Google Admob. ​ Below are the integration guides for each mobile platform. Ignore the technical sections, skip to the parts where you set your ironSource account from their online console.
​ For more information into customizing your ad-network mediation features, please refer to the introduction tutorial.
Related Plugins
For all the related plugins or plugins that can be integrated in the Google Admob advertisement network mediation, then please click to visit the Google Admob Collection and view all the advertisement network adapter plugins.
Google Admob - implements native mobile Google Admob ads with complete support of ad-network mediation. It provides app open, banner, interstitial, rewarded interstitial and rewarded video advertisements.
Related Collection
If you would like to maximize your overall revenue from your game applications or general applications, consider using our most competitive ad-network mediation solution, the Mobile IronSource Collection.
Mobile IronSource - implements native mobile IronSource ads with complete support of ad-network mediation. It provides banner, interstitial, rewarded video and offerwall advertisements.