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Mobile IronSource Ads

The Mobile IronSource Ads plugin is specifically designed to implement native mobile IronSource advertisements through the ironSource Android SDK and ironSource iOS SDK, with complete ad-network mediation features through each ad-network's Android SDK and iOS SDK, in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3.

The Mobile IronSource Ads plugin supports banners, interstitial, rewarded video and offerwall advertisements. It also has complete advertisement management features for ironSource and its advertisment mediation networks.

You can add more advertisement networks by adding other ad-network plugins in the Mobile IronSource Collection.

Earn the most money from your game and general applications with this complete and easy ad-network mediation plugin collection to integrate multiple ad-networks in both Android and iOS.

The Mobile IronSource Ads is using native libraries for both Android and iOS, written from scratch for Construct 3.

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The Construct Master Collection supports the full and easy integration of all native mobile advertisement network Android SDKs and iOS SDKs for Construct 3, with ironSource advertisement network mediation.

Please click here to learn more about ironSource ad-network mediation.


The Mobile IronSource Ads plugin is specifically designed to implement native mobile IronSource advertisements through the ironSource Android SDK and ironSource iOS SDK, with complete ad-network mediation features through each ad-network's Android SDK and iOS SDK, in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3.

The Mobile IronSource Ads plugin supports banners, interstitial, rewarded video and offerwall advertisements. It also has complete advertisement management features for ironSource and its advertisment mediation networks.

You can add more advertisement networks by adding other ad-network plugins in the Mobile IronSource Collection.

Earn the most money from your game and general applications with this complete and easy ad-network mediation plugin collection to integrate multiple ad-networks in both Android and iOS.

The Mobile IronSource Ads is using native libraries for both Android and iOS, written from scratch for Construct 3.

Here are some of the native features of the mobile plugin:

  • ironSource Android SDK

  • ironSource iOS SDK

  • Android advert network mediation SDK

  • iOS advert network mediation SDK

  • ironSource advertisements

  • Complete advertisement network mediation integration.

  • Complete ironSource features.

  • Complete advertisement network mediation features.

  • Banner advertisements

  • Adaptive banner advertisements

  • Interstitial advertisements

  • Rewarded video advertisements

  • Offerwall advertisements

  • Data privacy protection and regulation compliances.

  • GDPR compliance

  • CCPA compliance

  • COPPA compliance

  • Google Play's Design Apps for Families Programs

  • Complete advertisement management features.

  • Native mobile debugging features

  • Well maintained and fully tested for production release.

For more information about integrating native mobile advertisement mediation features for both Android and iOS, please click to read the introductory lessons to Mobile ironSource.

Platform Integration

Here are some of the platforms that are natively supported:

  • Android

  • iOS

  • Native Android

  • Native iOS

Build Support

Here are some of the supported build options:

Editor Features

Here are some of the features in the Construct editor:

  • Construct 3


How to use?

It is easy to use the Mobile IronSource Ads plugin, you will only need to follow the steps below.

1. The first step is to add the Mobile IronSource object into the project.

2. The next step is to go to the Properties Bar while the Mobile IronSource object is selected.

3. During development, check the Debug Mode property. This allows the application to log errors on the console, for mobile debugging. Do not forget to uncheck this when exporting to your production build.

4. Retrieve the application key of your IronSource application and input it into the AppKey property.

5. By default, the other properties are already setup to work for both debugging and production release, so no need to modify them. Only change the other properties if you require feature customizations.

6. Add the ad-network mediation plugins you want included with your IronSource advertisement network mediation. These include networks such as Google Admob, Facebook Audience Network, Unity Ads, etc.



The Mobile IronSource Ads plugin is specifically designed to implement native mobile IronSource advertisements through the ironSource Android SDK and ironSource iOS SDK, with complete ad-network mediation features through each ad-network's Android SDK and iOS SDK, in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3.

Easy Ad-Network Mediation

  • To add an ad-network for mediation in Mobile IronSource, simply insert the plugin object into the project.

  • Check if there is a required plugin property input by clicking on the object, in this case, the Admob Ads plugin.

  • Fill in the blanks, there will be descriptions to guide you.

Ad-Network Configurations

  • Each ad-network can have their own exclusive configurations. If you plan to use an ad-network specific feature, access each individual plugin object.

Debug plugin version

The Mobile IronSource plugin has a separate debugging version, this is used for validating integration in Android Studio or XCode.

The Mobile IronSource (Debug) plugin is compatible with the original Mobile IronSource plugin, simply install this plugin during testing and replace with the original for production release.

In case of accidental usage of the debug version for production, don't worry it will still work properly, there will just be some native debug codes and added Integration Helper library.

Ad-Network List

  • The Mobile IronSource Collection has complete support for all ad-network mediation available in the IronSource SDK for both Android and iOS.

  • For optimal results, it's important to plan which ad-networks to add into your project, based on your target audience.

  • You may add all ad-networks for ad-network mediation, but you will have to create and set an account for each advertisement network.

  • The plugins automatically update the dependency versions on every build. If you get build issues, contact us immediately so that we can fix it.

The following is the list of ad-networks currently supported by the Mobile IronSource Collection.

  • IronSource - the main addon (Mobile IronSource) has built-in support for the IronSource SDK.

  • Google Admob - the mobile advertising network of Google.

  • Facebook Audience Network - the mobile advertising network of the biggest social network, Facebook. It is a subsidiary company of Meta Platforms, Inc.

  • Unity Ads - the mobile advertising network of Unity, and their famous rewarded video ads.

  • AdColony - is one of the leading mobile advertisement network in the world.

  • Amazon - the mobile advertising network of Amazon.

  • AppLovin - is a mobile marketing platform, founded in California.

  • Chartboost - is a San Francisco-based mobile advertising and monetization platform.

  • Fyber - is a global tech company, developing a next-gen monetization platform for mobile publishers.

  • HyprMX - is an ad network based in New York, bringing brand ads to mobile apps.

  • InMobi - is an Indian global provider of enterprise platforms for marketers.

  • Maio - is a Japan-based mobile ad-network platform.

  • MIntegral - is a mobile advertising platform that simplifies the challenges of cross-regional marketing.

  • Tapjoy - is a mobile ad platform that offers a novel way for users to engage in mobile advertising.

  • Vungle - is a mobile ad start-up in London and the US, specializing in localized video advertising.

  • TikTok - also called Pangle Ads, it is the advertising network of the famous app TikTok.

  • Smaato - is a global real-time advertising platform for mobile publishers and app developers.

  • Snap - also called Snapchat Ads, it is the advertising network of the famous app Snapchat.

  • myTarget - An advertising platform that reaches every user of the Russian-speaking Internet.

  • Tencent - An advertisement platform of a Chinese multinational technology company.

  • SuperAwesome Ads - An advertisement platform for kids digital media ecosystem based in United Kingdom.

  • Yahoo Ads - An advertisement platform of Verizon, a wireless carrier company based in New York, USA.


Actions, Conditions & Expressions


The following action groups:

  • Debugging

  • Settings

  • General

  • Settings : Segment

  • Settings : Rewarded Video Server

  • Settings : Offerwall Server

  • Settings : Rewarded Video

  • Rewarded Video

  • Interstitial

  • Banner

  • Offerwall

  • Settings : Offerwall


  • Validate Integration - Show the status list of all integration, from the debugger of Android Studio or XCode.


  • Set Mode - Toggle the advertisements to add into the game, run before initialization.

    • Rewarded Video - Toggle to enable or disable rewarded video advertisements.

    • Interstitial - Toggle to enable or disable interstitial advertisements.

    • Offerwall - Toggle to enable or disable offerwall advertisements.

    • Banner - Toggle to enable or disable banner advertisements.

  • Set Consent - Toggle to enable or disable personalized advertisements. This is for GDPR compliance.

    • User Has Given Consent - Toggle true or false, depending if the user has given consent.

  • Set Compliance - Set the CCPA Compliance consent, provided by the user.

    • Do Not Sell - If "false", IronSource will restrict the sale of end users personal information under the CCPA.

  • Set Child Directed - Set if advertisements should be targeted to children, preference provided by the user.

    • Toggle - Check to only show advertisements targeted to children.

  • Set Device Id Opt-Out - Set to prevent access to the AAID and IDFA for end-users, for children or users of unknown age.

    • Toggle - Check to prevent access to the advertising id.


  • Initialize - Initialize IronSource to enable advertisement features. Applicable if not on "Auto Initialization".

    • App Key - The "AppKey" for the IronSource application. This can be found in your IronSource Dashboard.

    • User Id Mode - If "Advertising", IronSource will automatically use the advertising id as the user's id. If "IronSource", it will use the built-in user id generator. Or, if "Specify", you can specify the user id below.

    • User Id - Customized user id, if mode is set to specify.

  • Check Placement If Capped - Checks an advertisement type's placement, if it has exceeded its capacity to show.

    • Placement Name - The placement name of the advertisement.

    • Advertisement - The advertisement type to check the placement from.

Settings : Segment

  • Set Segment - Send the defined properties of the current user, for this segment, which is sent to the IronSource servers.

    • Name - The name of the segment.

  • Add User Age - Define the age property of the user.

    • Age - The user's age. Starting from 1 to 99. [Integer]

  • Add User Gender - Define the gender property of the user.

    • Gender - Set the user's gender. Either "Male" or "Female".

  • Add User Level - Define the level property of the user.

    • Level - Set the user's level. [Integer]

  • Add User Creation Date - Define the creation-date property of the user.

    • Date - Set the user's creation date. [Long]

  • Add User IAP Total - Define the iap-total property of the user.

    • IAP Total - The total value of the In-App Purchases of the user.

  • Add User IsPaying - Define the isPaying status property of the user.

    • Is Paying - Toggle true, if the user is a paying customer.

  • Add User Custom Property - Define a custom property for the user.

    • Key - The key for the custom user property.

    • Value - The value for the custom user property.

Settings : Rewarded Video Server

  • Clear Video Properties - Clears all added rewarded video properties.


  • Add Video Property - Add a key-value pair property for the next "Set Video Server Parameters".

    • Key - The rewarded video property key.

    • Value - The rewarded video property value.

  • Set Video Server Parameters - Pushes all rewarded video properties, then set them as the custom rewarded video server parameters.


  • Clear Video Server Parameters - Clear all the set rewarded video server parameters.

Settings : Offerwall Server

  • Add Offerwall Property - Add a key-value pair property for the next "Set Offerwall Server Parameters".

    • Key - The offerwall property key.

    • Value - The offerwall property value.

  • Clear Offerwall Properties - Clears all added offerwall properties.


  • Set Offerwall Server Params - Pushes all offerwall properties, then set them as the custom offerwall server parameters.

Settings : Rewarded Video

  • Set Should Track Network State - Sync the rewarded video advertisement availability with the network state.

    • Sync To Network - If true, the availability of the rewarded video advertisements will be synced with the network state.

Rewarded Video

  • Set Dynamic User ID - Set the identifier for verifying Rewarded Video Advertisement transactions.

    • ID - The custom dynamic user id, to differentiate transactions from the server.

  • Get Video Placement Info - Get the rewarded video placement info.

    • Placement Name - The placement name of the rewarded video advertisement.

  • Show Rewarded Video - Show the rewarded video advertisement by placement name.

    • Placement Name - The placement name of the rewarded video advertisement. If empty, it will use the default placement.

  • Check Video If Available - Checks if a rewarded video advertisement is available to show.


  • Create Interstitial - Create an interstitial advertisement.


  • Show Interstitial - Show the interstitial advertisement by placement name.

    • Placement Name - The placement name of the interstitial advertisement. If empty, it will use the default placement.

  • Check Interstitial If Ready - Checks if an interstitial advertisement is ready to show.


  • Create Banner - Create a banner advertisement by placement name.

    • Placement Name - The placement name of the banner advertisement. If empty, it will use the default placement.

    • Position - The position of the banner, either "Top" or "Bottom".

    • Size - The size of the banner advertisement. Either "Banner", "Large", "Rectangle", "Smart" or "Custom".

    • Custom Width - If the banner size is for "Custom Size", then input here the custom width of the banner.

    • Custom Height - If the banner size is for "Custom Size", then input here the custom height of the banner.

    • Auto Show - If checked, it will automatically show the banner advertisement.

    • Adaptive - If checked, an adaptive banner advertisement will be created.

  • Create Stretched Banner - Create a stretched banner advertisement that fills the screen's width.

    • Placement Name - The placement name of the banner advertisement. If empty, it will use the default placement.

    • Position - The position of the banner, either "Top" or "Bottom".

    • Height - The height of the banner.

    • Auto Show - If checked, it will automatically show the banner advertisement.

    • Adaptive - If checked, an adaptive banner advertisement will be created.

  • Show Banner - If a banner is loaded, show the banner using this action.

  • Hide Banner - Hide the banner advertisement.

  • Destroy Banner - Destroy the banner advertisement.


  • Show Offerwall - Show the offerwall advertisement by placement name. If empty, it will use the default placement.

    • Placement Name - The placement name of the offerwall advertisement. If empty, it will use the default placement.

  • Get Offerwall Credits - Manually call to receive information on the user’s total credits and any new credits the user has earned.

Settings : Offerwall

  • Set to Receive Offerwall Callbacks - Toggle to receive the callback triggers from the app or not. Set to false if offerwall credits are handled automatically from a server.

    • Receive From App - If true, client-side callbacks will be received. Set to false if receiving from a server.


The following condition groups:

  • General

  • Rewarded Video

  • Interstitial

  • Banner

  • Offerwall

  • Segment

  • Placement Info


  • Is Initialized - Checks if the IronSource SDK is already initialized.


  • Is Mode Enabled - Checks if an advertisement mode is activated.

    • Mode - The advertisement mode to check if activated.

  • Is Initialized - Triggers if the IronSource SDK is ready to implement advertisements.

  • On Check Placement If Capped - Checks if an advertisement placement has reached its capacity to be shown, as assigned from the IronSource Console. Triggers if a "Check Placement If Capped" action is fired.

    • Advertisement - The advertisement type to check the placement from.

    • Placement Name - The placement name of the advertisement.

    • State - The cap state of the placement, to determine if the allowed number for showing the advertisement placement has been reached.

Rewarded Video

  • On Video Opened - Triggers if a rewarded video advertisement is opened.


  • On Video Clicked - Triggers if a rewarded video advertisement has been clicked.


  • On Video Show Failed - Triggers if a rewarded video advertisement failed to show.


  • On Video Rewarded - Triggers if a rewarded video advertisement has been completed and the user is rewarded.


  • Is Video Available - Checks if there's a rewarded video advertisement ready to show.


  • On Video Closed - Triggers if a rewarded video advertisement is closed.


  • On Video Availability Changed - Triggers if a rewarded video advertisement's availability changed.

    • Is Available - The current availability status toggle.


  • On Video Started - Triggers if a rewarded video advertisement has started.


  • On Video Ended - Triggers if a rewarded video advertisement has ended.


  • On Check Video If Available - Triggers if a "Check Video If Available" action is fired, to directly check if a rewarded video advertisement is available.

    • Is Available - Toggle to check whether a rewarded video advertisement is available or not.

  • Is Video Showing - Checks if a rewarded video advertisement is currently showing.


  • On Check Interstitial If Ready - Triggers if a "Check Interstitial If Ready" action is fired, to directly check if there is an interstitial advertisement available.

    • Is Ready - Toggle to check whether the interstitial advertisement is ready or not.

  • Is Interstitial Ready - Checks if an interstitial advertisement is ready to show.


  • On Interstitial Create Failed - Triggers if an interstitial advertisement has failed to load.


  • On Interstitial Show Failed - Triggers if an interstitial advertisement has failed to show.


  • On Interstitial Opened - Triggers if an interstitial advertisement has been opened.


  • On Interstitial Closed - Triggers if an interstitial advertisement has been closed.


  • On Interstitial Show - Triggers if an interstitial advertisement has shown successfully.


  • On Interstitial Clicked - Triggers if an interstitial advertisement has been clicked.


  • On Interstitial Ready - Triggers if an interstitial advertisement is ready to show.


  • Is Interstitial Showing - Checks if an interstitial advertisement is currently showing.


  • Is Banner Loaded - Checks if a banner has been loaded. It's still loaded even after showing. Creating a new banner will reset the toggle.


  • Is Banner Showing - Checks if a banner is showing.


  • On Banner Created - Triggers if a banner advertisement has been loaded.


  • On Banner Create Failed - Triggers if a banner advertisement fails to load.


  • On Banner Clicked - Triggers if a banner advertisement has been clicked.


  • On Banner Screen Presented - Triggers if a banner advertisement is about to present a full screen content.


  • On Banner Screen Dismissed - Triggers if a banner advertisement's fullscreen content has been dismissed.


  • On Banner Left Application - Triggers if a banner advertisement's user would be taken out of the application context.


  • On Offerwall Available - Triggers if an offerwall advertisement has changed its availability status.

    • Is Available - The toggle to check if the offerwall advertisement is available.

  • On Offerwall Opened - Triggers if an offerwall advertisement has opened.


  • On Offerwall Show Failed - Triggers if an offerwall advertisement has failed to show.


  • On Offerwall Credited - Triggers if an offerwall advertisement has credited the user.


  • On Offerwall Credit Failed - Triggers if an offerwall advertisement has failed to get the offerwall credits.


  • On Offerwall Closed - Triggers if an offerwall advertisement has closed.


  • Is Offerwall Available - Checks if the offerwall advertisement is ready to show.


  • Is Offerwall Showing - Checks if the offerwall advertisement is currently showing.


  • On Segment Received - Triggers if the user's segment has been received by the current session.

    • Has Segment - Checks if there's a segment found and received for the current session user.

Placement Info

  • On Get Video Placement Info - Triggers if the rewarded video advertisement's placement info has been retrieved successfully.

    • Placement Name - The rewarded video advertisement's placement name.

  • On Any Get Video Placement Info - Triggers if any rewarded video advertisement's placement info has been retrieved successfully.


The following expression groups:

  • Rewarded Video

  • Offerwall

  • Segment

  • Failure Response

Rewarded Video

  • VideoPlacementName - The placement name of the rewarded video advertisement.


  • VideoRewardName - The reward name of the current rewarded video advertisement's placement.


  • VideoRewardAmount - The reward amount of the current rewarded video advertisement's placement.


  • OfferwallCredits - Returns the number of credits the user has earned.


  • OfferwallTotalCredits - Returns the total number of credits ever earned by the user.


  • OfferwallTotalCreditsFlag - In some cases, like if the data is cleared, the exact credits wouldn't be provided. In this case, the ‘OfferwallCredits’ will be equal to the ‘OfferwallTotalCredits’, and this will return "True". Otherwise, "False".


  • SegmentName - The received segment name. Empty if no segment has been found.

Failure Response

  • ErrorCode - The error code, lookup the ironSource documentation for more information.


  • ErrorMessage - The error message, lookup the ironSource documentation for more information.


  • ErrorJSON - The error response in JSON string, lookup the ironSource documentation for more information.

Object   Properties

Plugin Properties

The following property groups:

  • Settings

  • Features

  • Preferences (Deprecated)

  • Rewarded Video Ads

  • Banner Ads

  • Offerwall Ads

Settings - Mobile IronSource addon's settings configuration.

  • Debug Mode - If enabled, the error logs will be shown in the console.


IronSource - The IronSource SDK configuration section.

  • Initialization - Initialize the application on startup or manually by action. Manual mode gives more control.

    • Automatic

    • Manual

  • Features - The advertisement features to activate with the IronSource SDK.

    • Banner - Toggle to enable banner advertisements.

    • Interstitial - Toggle to enable interstitial advertisements.

    • Rewarded Video - Toggle to enable rewarded video advertisements.

    • Offerwall - Toggle to enable offerwall advertisements.

Preferences - Additional settings to add with the IronSource SDK. (Deprecated)

  • Personalized Ads - GDPR Compliance, toggle to give consent. Recommended in manual mode, asking for the user's input.

  • Do Not Sell (CCPA) - CCPA Compliance, toggle to allow data selling to ad-providers. Recommended in manual mode, asking for the user's input.

Rewarded Video Ads - Configuration for rewarded video advertisements.

  • Track Network State - Toggle to sync the rewarded video advertisement availability with the network state.

Banner Ads - Configuration for banner advertisements.

  • Banner Overlap - Recommended to be checked. Toggle to place the banner on top of the layout, otherwise will adjust the layout to place the banner.

Offerwall Ads - Configuration for offerwall advertisements.

  • Receive Clientside Callbacks - Toggle to receive the callback triggers from the app or not. Set to false if offerwall credits are handled automatically from a server.



The Mobile IronSource Ads plugin is specifically designed to implement native mobile IronSource advertisements through the ironSource Android SDK and ironSource iOS SDK, with complete ad-network mediation features through each ad-network's Android SDK and iOS SDK, in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3.

Game Projects

Game Projects 

Instructions Kit


  • Instructions - The game project contains instructions and steps on how to use the addon and its features.

  • Action, Conditions and Expressions - It covers the implementation of each action, condition and expression.

  • Tips and Tricks - It provides some tips and tricks on the recommended ways of using the addon.



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