Mobile Master Ads
The Mobile Master Ads plugin is specifically designed to implement native mobile advertisements through the Google Admob Android SDK and Google Admob iOS SDK in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3.
The Mobile Master Ads plugin supports banners, interstitial and rewarded video advertisements. It also supports ad-network mediation.
Additional features include banner configurations including size, position, offsets and overlap. Location targeting, personalized advertisements, child and family settings, automatic load and show, sandbox and debugging.
Note: The Mobile Master Ads plugin is now deprecated.
Please use the new Mobile IronSource Collection for ad-network mediation, or the Google Admob plugin for Google Admob advertisements.


The Construct Master Collection supports the full and easy integration of native mobile Android SDKs and iOS SDKs for both Construct 3 and Construct 2.
Please click here to learn more about Mobile.
The Mobile Master Ads plugin is specifically designed to implement native mobile advertisements through the Google Admob Android SDK and Google Admob iOS SDK in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3.
The Mobile Master Ads plugin supports banners, interstitial and rewarded video advertisements. It also supports ad-network mediation with the following networks.
Facebook Audience Network
Unity Ads
InMobi Ads
MobFox Ads
AppLovin Ads
Chartboost Ads
Vungle Ads
Additional features include banner configurations including size, position, offsets and overlap. Location targeting, personalized advertisements, child and family settings, automatic load and show, sandbox and debugging.
Note: The Mobile Master Ads plugin is now deprecated. Please use the new Mobile IronSource Collection for ad-network mediation, or the Google Admob plugin for Google Admob advertisements.
Here are some of the native features of the mobile plugin:
Google Admob
Google Admob Android SDK
Google Admob iOS SDK
Android advert network mediation SDK
iOS advert network mediation SDK
Google Admob advertisements
Basic advertisement network mediation.
Facebook Audience Network
Unity Ads
InMobi Ads
MobFox Ads
AppLovin Ads
Chartboost Ads
Vungle Ads
Banner advertisements
Interstitial advertisements
Rewarded video advertisements
Targeting settings
Children or Families
GDPR Personalized advertisements
Location targeting
Optional feature to automatically show adverts.
Banner configurations
Specify play services version.
Advert automation features
Native mobile debugging features
Well maintained and fully tested for production release.
For more information about native mobile or Android and iOS features, please click here to learn the introductory lessons to Mobile.
Platform Integration
Here are some of the platforms that are natively supported:
Native Android
Native iOS
Build Support
Here are some of the supported build options:
Construct 3 Build Service
Android Studio
Editor Features
Here are some of the features in the Construct editor:
Construct 3
Construct 2
How to use?
It is easy to use the Mobile Master Ads plugin, you will only need to follow the steps below.
1. The first step is to add the Mobile Master Ads object into the project.

2. The next step is to go to the Properties Bar while the Mobile Master Ads object is selected.

3. The Debug Mode property is a toggle to enable logging in the console. This is useful for mobile debugging.
4. The Sandbox Mode property is a toggle to enable test advertisements. Useful for showing test ads while not using your own ad-credentials, to not violate Google's terms, thus preventing the account from getting banned.
Remember to disable this for production release builds.
5. The Personalized Ads property is a toggle to enable user-personalized advertisements. Remember to ask for consent before enabling this for GDPR compliance, you may make your own consent dialog, matching your game's design.
6. The Auto Show property is a toggle to automatically show ads after loading, without having to call the action to show ads.
7. The For Children property is an extended toggle. If enabled, ads will be selected preferred for children. Default will base it with the Google Admob account settings.
8. The For Families property is an extended toggle. If enabled, ads will be selected preferred for the family to watch. Default will base it with the Google Admob account settings.
9. The Overlap property is a banner setting toggle to allow the banner to overlap the application's WebView.
10. The Offset Top Bar property is a banner setting toggle to allow the banner to offset the top bar, to avoid the iOS 7 status bar to overlap.
11. The Banner Size property is an option to choose the size of the banner advertisement.

11. The Banner ID, Interstitial ID and Reward Video ID properties, for both android and ios, and the Admob App ID property are fields for your advert credentials regarding the application you have registered in your Google Admob console.
12. The Admob SDK's Specify Version property is a toggle to specify the Play Services Version. If enabled, the Play Services Version field will be used to specify the version for the Play Services.
Note: The Mobile Master Ads plugin is now deprecated.
Please use our latest and most competitive ad-network mediation collection, the new Mobile IronSource Collection. Or, the Google Admob plugin for Google Admob advertisements.
There is currently nothing to show, we will add more in the future.
Ad-Network Mediation
The Mobile Master Ads plugin supports ad-network mediation, and there are a lot of mediation networks to choose. Advertisement network mediation is a technique that sends ad requests to multiple advert networks to ensure publishers find the best available network to fill their advert slots. Therefore, optimizing and increasing your total ad revenue.

The Mobile Master Ads has initial support for Admob advertisements, although you can add more ad-networks by simply installing or adding the new ad-network mediation addons into your project. The following mediation advert networks are currently supported:
Some mediation plugins have some properties to set up from the properties bar, remember to fill up all fields in order for them to work. Otherwise, there will be build errors.
Once you are done with the project-side, it's time to work on the Google Admob console.
Advertisement network mediation tutorial
Overview of Google Admob advertisement network mediation, remember to explore all the guides.
You need to register your advert-network mediation in the Google Admob console, and register an account for each advertisement network, in their website.
Afterwards, you are now ready to test the Mobile Master Ads plugin in sandbox mode and confirm if your application is working fine. However, please make sure to never test live advertisements outside of sandbox mode since you will be held accountable and most probably banned from the Google Admob service, indefinitely. Finally, you can now publish your application release with Google Admob and advertisement network mediation.
User Manual
The Mobile Master Ads plugin has a built-in user manual, you can read it for more information.
The manual is not a replacement for the Google Developer documentation or the Apple Developer documentation, it's of upmost importance to reads those too.
We will not be liable for any violation, or malpractice use of all the plugins and used services in the collection, including the Mobile Master Ads plugin. Therefore, please read all official documentations of each service you have registered into.

Actions, Conditions & Expressions

The following action groups:
Banner Ads
Interstitial Ads
Rewarded Video Ads
Banner Settings
Banner Ads
Prepare Banner - Load a banner ad to be shown.
Show Banner - Show a loaded banner ad.
Hide Banner - Hide a shown banner ad.
Remove Banner - Remove a banner ad.
Interstitial Ads
Prepare Interstitial - Load an interstitial ad to be shown.
Show Interstitial - Show a loaded interstitial ad.
Reward Video Ads
Prepare Reward Video - Load a reward video ad to be shown.
Show Reward Video - Show a loaded reward video ad.
Banner Settings
Set Banner Config - Set the banner configurations.
Banner At Top - Set "Enabled" to put banner at top. Default is "Disabled".
Overlap - Set "Enabled" to allow banner overlap webview. Default is "Enabled".
Offset Top Bar - Set "Enabled" to avoid iOS7 status bar overlap. Default is "Disabled".
Set Banner Size - Set the banner size of the ad.
Banner Size - Set the size of the banner ad.
Set Auto Show - Set Auto show ads when loaded.
Toggle - Toggle For Auto Show ads. Default is "Enabled".
Set Personalized Ads - GDPR Compliance. If "Enabled", the plugin will auto assume that a consent is already given.
Personalized Ads - Toggle Personalized Ads. Default is "Enabled".
Set For Children - Child-directed setting.
For Children - Toggle For Children. Default is "Default".
Set For Families - Designed for Families setting.
For Families - Toggle For Families. Default is "Default".
Set Target Location - Set Location target.
Latitude - The Latitude of the target location.
Longitude - The Longitude of the target location.
Remove Target Location - Remove Location target.
The following condition groups:
Banner Ads
Interstitial Ads
Rewarded Video Ads
Banner Ads : Tools
Interstitial Ads : Tools
Rewarded Video Ads : Tools
Universal : Tools

Banner Ads
On Banner Load - An Event trigger response when a banner ad has finished loading.
On Banner Load Failed - An Event trigger response when a banner ad request failed.
On Banner Open - An Event trigger response when a banner ad opened and covered the screen.
On Banner Close - An Event trigger response when the user is about to return to the app after tapping on a banner ad.
On Banner Exit App - An Event trigger response when the user has left the app.
Interstitial Ads
On Interstitial Load - An Event trigger response when an interstitial ad has finished loading.
On Interstitial Load Failed - An Event trigger response when an interstitial ad request failed.
On Interstitial Open - An Event trigger response when an interstitial ad is displayed.
On Interstitial Close - An Event trigger response when an interstitial ad is closed.
On Interstitial Exit App - An Event trigger response when the user has left the app.
Is Interstitial Ready - An Event condition that checks if the interstitial ad is ready.
Reward Video Ads
On Reward Video Load - An Event trigger response when a reward video ad has finished loading.
On Reward Video Load Failed - An Event trigger response when a reward video ad request failed.
On Reward Video Open - An Event trigger response when a reward video ad opened.
On Reward Video Close - An Event trigger response when a reward video ad closed.
On Reward Video Exit App - An Event trigger response when the user has left the app.
On Reward Video Start - An Event trigger response when a reward video started playing the video ad.
On Reward Video Completed - An Event trigger response when a reward video ad has finished playing and the user is rewarded.
Is Reward Video Ready - An Event condition that checks if the reward video ad is ready.
Banner Ads : Tools
Is Banner Open - Checks if a banner ad is currently open.
Is Banner Loaded - Checks if a banner ad is currently loaded.
Interstitial Ads : Tools
Is Interstitial Open - Checks if an interstitial ad is currently open.
Is Interstitial Loaded - Checks if an interstitial ad is currently loaded.
Reward Video Ads : Tools
Is Reward Video Open - Checks if a reward video ad is currently open.
Is Reward Video Loaded - Checks if a reward video ad is currently loaded.
Universal : Tools
Is Auto Show - Checks if ads are auto-shown after loaded based on settings.
Is Consent Given - GDPR Compliance. Checks if personalized ads are given.
Is For Children - Checks if ads are directed for children.
Is For Families - Checks if ads have family settings applied.
Has Target Location - Checks if ads have target location settings applied.

The following expression groups:
Event Triggers
Event Triggers
EventResponse - Returns the response from event triggers. The conditions with green arrows are the event triggers.
The Mobile Master Ads plugin is specifically designed to implement native mobile advertisements through the Google Admob Android SDK and Google Admob iOS SDK in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3.
The Mobile Master Ads plugin supports banners, interstitial and rewarded video advertisements. It also supports ad-network mediation.


Game Projects
Instructions Kit

Instructions - The game project contains instructions and steps on how to use the addon and its features.
Action, Conditions and Expressions - It covers the implementation of each action, condition and expression.
Tips and Tricks - It provides some tips and tricks on the recommended ways of using the addon.