Friend Manager
The Friend Manager plugin is specifically designed to manage friend features through the PlayFab service, for games built using Construct 3 and Construct 2.
Interconnected with major platforms including Google Play, Game Center, Apple Login, Instant Games, Facebook, Facebook Instant Games, Steam, Xbox Live, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and of course PlayFab's own account system allows you to add, remove and get the friends list of players.
Depending on the developer's preference, friends can be added and removed using the display name, email, username or playfab id.
You can easily manage the player's friend list from the client side using this plugin, and it automatically syncs with other social network's friends list while also retrieving the complete account and player info of each friends.


The Construct Master Collection supports the full and easy integration of the PlayFab service for both Construct 3 and Construct 2.
Please click here to learn more about PlayFab.
Here are some of the features of the PlayFab service:
Add or remove friends
Get friends list
Player information
Friend profile data
Account information
Player information
Virtual currencies
Real legal tender currencies
Linked social accounts or authentication methods
Account locations
Account tags
Leaderboards and player statistics
For more information about all the integrated PlayFab service features, please click here to learn the introductory lessons to PlayFab.
Network Services
Here are some of the platform services that can be linked:
Google Play
Game Center
Facebook Instant Games
Xbox Live
Instant Games (Android Studio port)
Nintendo Switch (3rd party porting services)
PS4 (3rd party porting services)
Nintendo Switch (3rd party porting services)
Editor Features
Here are some of the features in the Construct editor:
All platforms support, including web, mobile and desktop.
Construct 3
Construct 2
How to use?
It is easy to use the Friend Manager plugin, you will only need to follow the steps below.
Set up the PlayFab API plugin, please click to visit the documentation. This includes creating a PlayFab account, studio and title.
Set up the Authentication plugin, please click to visit the documentation.
Finally, you can now use the Friend Manager object, and include more PlayFab addons for more features.
There is currently nothing to show, we will add more in the future.
Related Plugins
Cloud Script - is a plugin that implements the friend management on the application's client-side. However, you can also use PlayFab's Server Automation feature to implement this in the server-side, and you can easily call your cloud functions through the Cloud Script object similar to calling a function in Construct 3. This is a recommended approach for more advanced online games due to its easier and efficient support for JavaScript scripting.
Actions, Conditions & Expressions

The following action groups:
Add Friendship
Remove Friend
Get Friends List
Friend Tags
Add Friendship
Add Friend by Email - Adds the PlayFab user, based upon a match against a supplied unique identifier, to the friend list of the local user.
Email - Email address of the user being added.
Tag - Return the "Tag" of the latest request.
Add Friend by PlayFabID - Adds the PlayFab user, based upon a match against a supplied unique identifier, to the friend list of the local user.
Friend PlayFab ID - The PlayFab identifier of the user being added.
Tag - Return the "Tag" of the latest request.
Add Friend by DisplayName - Adds the PlayFab user, based upon a match against a supplied unique identifier, to the friend list of the local user.
DisplayName - The PlayFab identifier of the user being added.
Tag - Return the "Tag" of the latest request.
Add Friend by Username - Adds the PlayFab user, based upon a match against a supplied unique identifier, to the friend list of the local user.
Username - The PlayFab identifier of the user being added.
Tag - Return the "Tag" of the latest request.
Remove Friendship
Remove Friend - Removes a specified user from the friend list of the local user.
Friend PlayFab ID - PlayFab identifier of the friend account which is to be removed.
Tag - Return the "Tag" of the latest request.
Get Friends List
Get Friends List - Retrieves the current friend list for the local user.
Facebook Friends - Indicates whether Facebook friends should be included in the response. Default is "Include".
Steam Friends - Indicates whether Steam service friends should be included in the response. Default is "Include".
Xbox Friends - Indicates whether Xbox service friends should be included in the response. Default is "Exclude".
Xbox Token - Xbox token if Xbox friends should be included. Requires Xbox be configured on PlayFab.
Tag - Return the "Tag" of the latest request.
Friend Tags
Plan Friend Tag - Plan Friend Tag to Stack for the next "Set Tags".
Tag - Tag to set on the friend account.
Set Friend Tags - Updates the tag list for a specified user in the friend list of the local user.
Friend PlayFab ID - PlayFab identifier of the friend account to which the tag(s) should be applied.
Tag - Return the "Tag" of the latest request.
The following condition groups:
Add Friendship
Remove Friendship
Get Friends List
Set Friend Tags
Friends List
Friends List : Tags
Friends List : Location
Friends List : Email
Friends List : Currency
Friends List : Statistics
Friends List : Linked Accounts

Add Friendship
On Add Friend - Triggers when the Add Friend Succeeded.
On Account Not Found - Triggers when the Add Friend responded that the account was not found.
On Users Already Friends - Triggers when the Add Friend responded that the users are already friends.
On Add Friend Failed - Triggers when the Add Friend Failed.
Remove Friendship
On Remove Friend - Triggers when the Remove Friend Succeeded.
On Account Not Found - Triggers when the Remove Friend responded that the account was not found.
On Remove Friend Failed - Triggers when the Remove Friend Failed.
Get Friends List
On Get Friends List - Triggers when the Get Friends List Succeeded.
On Get Friends List Failed - Triggers when the Get Friends List Failed.
Set Friend Tags
On Set Friend Tags - Triggers when the Set Friend Tags Succeeded.
On Account Not Found - Triggers when the Set Friend Tags responded that the account was not found.
On Set Friend Tags Failed - Triggers when the Set Friend Tags Failed.
Friends List
For Each Friend - Loops through all the Friends List using the "loopFriends" expression.
Friends List : Tags
For Each Friends Tag - Loops through all the Friend Tags List using the "loopFriendTags" expression.
Friends List : Location
For Each Friend Location - Loops through all the Friend Locations List using the "loopLocations" expression.
Friends List : Email
For Each Friends Email - Loops through all the Friend Emails List using the "loopFriendEmails" expression.
Friends List : Currency
For Each Friends Currency - Loops through all the Friend Currency List using the "loopFriendCurrencies" expression.
Friends List : Statistics
For Each Friends Statistic - Loops through all the Friend Statistics List using the "loopStatistics" expression.
Friends List : Linked Accounts
For Each Friends Linked - Loops through all the Friend Linked Accounts List using the "loopLinkedAccounts" expression.

The following expression groups:
Get Friends List
Get Friends List : Game Center
Get Friends List : Steam
Get Friends List : Tags
Get Friends List : Xbox
Get Friends List : Profile
Get Friends List : Email
Get Friends List : Location
Get Friends List : Currency
Get Friends List : Statistics
Get Friends List : Linked Accounts
Server Response
Get Friends List
getUsername - Returns the "Username". The PlayFab unique username for this friend.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
getDisplayName - Returns the "Title DisplayName". The Title-specific display name for this friend.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
getPlayFabID - Returns the "Friend PlayFabID". The PlayFab unique identifier for this friend.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
loopFriends - Returns the friend index from the "For Each Friend" looped through the friends list.
countFriends - Returns the friend count from the friend list.
Get Friends List : GameCenter
getGameCenterID - Returns the "GameCenterID". The GameCenter identifier for this friend.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
Get Friends List : Steam
getSteamStatus - Returns the "Steam Activation Status". Either "None", "ActivatedTitleKey", "PendingSteam", "ActivatedSteam" or "RevokedSteam".
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
getSteamCountry - Returns the "Steam Country". The country in which the player resides, from Steam data.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
getSteamCurrency - Returns the "Steam Currency". The currency type set in the user Steam account. For Example, "PHP" or "USD".
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
getSteamID - Returns the "Steam ID". The Steam identifier.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
Get Friends List : Tags
getTag - Returns a "Tag" from the tags which have been associated with this friend.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
TagIndex - The Index from the Friend Tags List.
loopFriendTags - Returns the friend tag index from the "For Each Friend Tag" looped through the friends list and tags list.
countTags - Returns the friend's tag count from the friend's tags list.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
Get Friends List : Xbox
getXBoxUserID - Returns the "XBox UserID". The XBox user ID.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
Get Friends List : Profile
getAvatarURL - Returns the "Avatar URL" of this friend.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
getBannedUntil - Returns the "Banned Until" of this friend. If currently banned, the UTC Date when the ban expires.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
getCreated - Returns the "Created" of this friend. The Friend recorded created date time.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
getPublisherID - Returns the "Publisher ID" of this friend.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
getTitleID - Returns the "Title ID" of this friend. Title ID this friend profile applies to.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
getTotalUSDValue - Returns the "Total Value To Date In USD" of this friend. Sum of the player's purchases made with real-money currencies, converted to US dollars.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
getOrigination - Returns the "Origination" of this friend's account. Either "Unknown", "PlayFab", "Custom", "GameCenter", "GooglePlay", "Steam", "XBoxLive", "PSN", "Kongregate", "Facebook", "IOSDevice", "AndroidDevice", "Twitch", "WindowsHello", "GameServer", "CustomServer", "NintendoSwitch", "FacebookInstantGames" or "OpenIdConnect".
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
getLastLogin - Returns the "Last Login", the UTC time when the player most recently logged in to the title.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
Get Friends List : Email
getEmail - Returns a "Contact Email Address" from the friend's Email List.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
EmailIndex - The Index from the Friend Email List.
getEmailName - Returns the "Email Name" of the current Email from the friend's Email List.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
EmailIndex - The Index from the Friend Email List.
getEmailStatus - Returns the "Verification Status" of the current Email from the friend's Email List. Either "Unverified", "Pending" or "Confirmed".
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
EmailIndex - The Index from the Friend Email List.
loopFriendEmails - Returns the friend email index from the "For Each Friend Email" looped through the friends list and emails list.
countEmails - Returns the friend's email count from the friend's email list.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
Get Friends List : Location
getCity - Returns the "City" of this friend.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
LocationIndex - The Index from the Friend Location List.
getContinent - Returns the "Continent Code" of this friend. The two-character continent code, for example "AS" or "NA".
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
LocationIndex - The Index from the Friend Location List.
getCountryCode - Returns the "Country Code" of this friend. The two-character ISO 3166-1 country code, for example "PH" or "US".
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
LocationIndex - The Index from the Friend Location List.
getLatitude - Returns the "Latitude" of this friend. The Latitude coordinate of the geographic location.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
LocationIndex - The Index from the Friend Location List.
getLongitude - Returns the "Longitude" of this friend. Longitude coordinate of the geographic location.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
LocationIndex - The Index from the Friend Location List.
loopFriendLocations - Returns the friend location index from the "For Each Friend Location" looped through the friends list and locations list.
countLocations - Returns the friend's location count from the friend's location list.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
Get Friends List : Currency
getCurrency - Returns a "Currency" from the friend's Currency List. The ISO 4217 code of the currency used in the purchases.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
CurrencyIndex - The Index from the Friend Currency List.
getTotalValue - Returns a "Currency Total Value" from the friend's Currency List.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
CurrencyIndex - The Index from the Friend Currency List.
getTotalValueDec - Returns a "Currency Total Value in Decimal" from the friend's Currency List. It is in a string representation of decimal monetary units.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
CurrencyIndex - The Index from the Friend Currency List.
loopFriendCurrencies - Returns the friend currency index from the "For Each Friend Currency" looped through the friends list and currencies list.
countCurrencies - Returns the friend's currency count from the friend's currencies list.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
Get Friends List : Statistics
getStatName - Returns the "Statistic Name" from the friend's Statistic List.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
StatisticIndex - The Index from the Friend Statistics List.
getStatValue - Returns the "Statistic Value" from the friend's Statistic List.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
StatisticIndex - The Index from the Friend Statistics List.
getStatVersion - Returns the "Statistic Version" from the friend's Statistic List.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
StatisticIndex - The Index from the Friend Statistics List.
loopFriendStatistics - Returns the friend currency index from the "For Each Friend Currency" looped through the friends list and currencies list.
countStatistics - Returns the friend's currency count from the friend's currencies list.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
Get Friends List : Linked Accounts
getLinkedEmail - Returns the "Email" of the platform account from the friend's Linked Accounts List, if available.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
LinkedIndex - The Index from the Friend Linked Accounts List.
getLinkedPlatform - Returns the "Platform" from the friend's Linked Accounts List. Either "Unknown", "PlayFab" and "Custom", "GameCenter", "GooglePlay", "Steam", "XBoxLive", "Kongregate", "Facebook", "IOSDevice", "AndroidDevice", "WindowsHello", "FacebookInstantGames", etc.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
LinkedIndex - The Index from the Friend Linked Accounts List.
getLinkedUserID - Returns the "Platform UserID", the Unique Account Identifier of the user on the platform, from the friend's Linked Accounts List.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
LinkedIndex - The Index from the Friend Linked Accounts List.
getLinkedUsername - Returns the "Username", the account username of the user on the platform, if available from the friend's Linked Accounts List.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
LinkedIndex - The Index from the Friend Linked Accounts List.
loopLinkedAccounts - Returns the friend linked account index from the "For Each Friend Linked" looped through the friends list and linked accounts list.
countLinkedAccounts - Returns the friend's linked accounts count from the friend's linked accounts list.
Index - The Index from the Friends List.
Server Response
ServerResponse - Return the "Server Response" from every request from the PlayFab Server. The server response can also be shown in the "Chrome Developer Tools : Console", if in "debug mode".
Tag - Return the "Tag" of the latest request.
There is currently nothing to show, we will add more in the future.
Game Projects
Instructions Kit

Instructions - The game project contains instructions and steps on how to use the addon and its features.
Action, Conditions and Expressions - It covers the implementation of each action, condition and expression.
Tips and Tricks - It provides some tips and tricks on the recommended ways of using the addon.