User Data
The User Data plugin is specifically designed to implement PlayFab User Data, which implements account data for games built using Construct 3 and Construct 2.
Interconnected with major platforms including Google Play, Game Center, Apple Login, Instant Games, Facebook, Facebook Instant Games, Steam, Xbox Live, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and of course PlayFab's own account and login system with email, username and password support for your own game. The User Data plugin with the PlayFab service allows your player's game data or studio data available on every platform.
PlayFab also has console support, just in case you want to port in the future, especially through porting services. Extending the reach of your player's game data.


The Construct Master Collection supports the full and easy integration of the PlayFab service for both Construct 3 and Construct 2.
Please click here to learn more about PlayFab.
Here are some of the features of the PlayFab service:
User data
User read-only data
Other player's user data
Other player's read-only data
Private, public and internal user data.
Easy local data loading similar to the Local Storage object.
Easy expression data loading similar to the Dictionary object.
Account sync
User data profile
Organized request features
Update features
User data for each user's game.
For more information about all the integrated PlayFab service features, please click here to learn the introductory lessons to PlayFab.
Network Services
Here are some of the platform services that can be linked:
Google Play
Game Center
Facebook Instant Games
Xbox Live
Instant Games (Android Studio port)
Nintendo Switch (3rd party porting services)
PS4 (3rd party porting services)
Nintendo Switch (3rd party porting services)
Editor Features
Here are some of the features in the Construct editor:
All platforms support, including web, mobile and desktop.
Construct 3
Construct 2
How to use?
It is easy to use the User Data plugin, you will only need to follow the steps below.
Set up the PlayFab API plugin, please click to visit the documentation. This includes creating a PlayFab account, studio and title.
Set up the Authentication plugin, please click to visit the documentation.
Finally, you can now use the User Data object, and include more PlayFab addons for more features.
There is currently nothing to show, we will add more in the future.
Server Management
The User Data plugin implements player account data read & write for the player's current game (title), these are then sent to the PlayFab servers and synced across all connected (synced) authentication methods. There are 3 data types, the player data, read-only data and the internal data.
Player data - both readable and writable data, customized for each player and can be public or private.
Read-only data - exclusively read-only data, customized for each player and can be public or private.
Internal data - unreadable and can't be altered from the client or the User Data plugin. This is a developer exclusive data for the players, which can be very useful for server automation. In cases of need in reading and writing this data, it would then require the cloud scripting feature from the PlayFab > Automation console with the Cloud Script or Azure Function plugin calling it from the client (application).
Admin privileges allow you to modify each player's data automatically through the Server API automation, Cloud Script plugin, Azure Function plugin or manually using the Admin Console.
1. Login to your PlayFab account, select the title from the studio.

2. Click the Players sidebar tab, then the players list will show. Select a player, then the player overview will show.

3. From the player's overview, select the Player Data (Title) tab, which will show you the player's current data.

4. To manually modify a player's writable and readable data, simply add, change or remove the data from the list. Then, finally save changes. You can control everything here as the administrator.

5. To manually modify a player's read-only data, simply add, change or remove the data from the list. Then, finally save changes. You can control everything here as the administrator.

6. To manually modify a player's internal data, simply add, change or remove the data from the list. Then, finally save changes. You can control everything here as the administrator.

You can also change all the data's privacy types to either Public or Private, just like in the plugin.
Related Plugins
Publisher - is a plugin that implements studio-wide game user data. Instead of a user's game account data for a single title (game), this is a user's studio data that is accessible, available and writable for multiple titles (games) in a studio. The plugin also implements studio-wide global data. It is a counterpart of the Title Manager plugin, where instead of accessing or retrieving global data for a single title, the Publisher accesses and retrieves global data that is available for multiple titles (games) in a studio.
Title Manager - is a global data counterpart of the User Data plugin. Instead of a game data for user accounts, this plugin retrieves global game data which is accessible and available for the entire title (game). Data accessible by everyone in the title (game) including systems, spectators and user player accounts.
Actions, Conditions & Expressions

The following action groups:
Get User Data
Get Other User Data
Get User Read-only Data
Get Other User Read-only Data
Update User Data
User : Locally Retrieve
Other User : Locally Retrieve
Get User Data
Plan Get User Data - Add a Plan to get a "User Data".
Key - The "Key" or "User Data Name" to retrieve.
Get User Data - Retrieves all the "Planned" title-specific custom data from the "User" which is readable and writable by the client.
Tag - The tag to differentiate requests.
Get All User Data - Retrieves "all" title-specific custom data from the "User" which is readable and writable by the client.
Tag - The tag to differentiate requests.
Get Other User Data
Plan Get Other User Data - Retrieves all the "Planned" title-specific custom data from "Another User" which is readable and writable by the client.
Key - The "Key" or "User Data Name" to retrieve.
Get Other User Data - Retrieves all the "Planned" title-specific custom data from "Another User" which is readable and writable by the client.
PlayFab ID - The Target Player's "PlayFabID".
Tag - The tag to differentiate requests.
Get All Other User Data - Retrieves "All" the title-specific custom data from "Another User" which is readable and writable by the client.
PlayFab ID - The Target Player's "PlayFabID".
Tag - The tag to differentiate requests.
Get User ReadOnly Data
Plan Get User Read Data - Add a Plan to get the "User's ReadOnly Data".
Key - The "Key" or "User ReadOnly Data Name" to retrieve.
Get User Read Data - Retrieves all the "Planned" title-specific custom data from the "User" which is readable and writable by the client.
Tag - The tag to differentiate requests.
Get All User Read Data - Retrieves "All" the title-specific custom data from the "User" which is readable and writable by the client.
Tag - The tag to differentiate requests.
Get Other User ReadOnly Data
Plan Get Other User Read Data - Add a Plan to get "Another User's ReadOnly Data".
Key - The "Key" or "User ReadOnly Data Name" to retrieve.
Get Other User Read Data - Retrieves all the "Planned" title-specific custom data from "Another User" which is readable and writable by the client.
PlayFab ID - The Target Player's "PlayFabID".
Tag - The tag to differentiate requests.
Get All Other User Read Data - Retrieves "All" the title-specific custom data from "Another User" which is readable and writable by the client.
PlayFab ID - The Target Player's "PlayFabID".
Tag - The tag to differentiate requests.
Update User Data
Plan Write Data - Plan a "Write User Data" request into the next "Update User Data".
Key - Input the "Key" of the User Data. Keys are trimmed of white-space, are limited in size, and may not begin with a "!" character or be null.
Value - The Value for the "User Data Key".
Plan Remove Data - Plan a "Remove User Data" request into the next "Update User Data".
Key - Input the "Key" of the User Data to remove.
Update User Data - Creates and updates the title-specific custom data for the user which is readable and writable by the client.
Permission - Permission to be applied to all "User Data Keys" written in this request. If "Private", it will be hidden from other Players, while "Public" allows the data to be viewed by other Players.
Tag - The tag to differentiate requests.
User : Locally Retrieve
Load User Data - Load the local data from the latest "Get User Data".
Key - Input the "Key" of the User Data to load.
Load User Read Data - Load the local data from the latest "Get User ReadOnly Data".
Key - Input the "Key" of the User Data to load.
Other User : Locally Retrieve
Load Other User Data - Load the local data from the latest "Get Other User Data".
Key - Input the "Key" of the User Data to load.
Load Other User Read Data - Load the local data from the latest "Get Other User ReadOnly Data".
Key - Input the "Key" of the User Data to load.
The following condition groups:
Get User Data
Get User Read-only Data
Get Other User Data
Get Other User Read-only Data
Update User Data
Load User Data
Load User Read-only Data
Load Other User Data
Load Other User Read-only Data

Get User Data
On Get User Data - Triggers when the Get User Data Succeeded.
On Get User Data Failed - Triggers when the Get User Data Failed.
Get User ReadOnly Data
On Get User ReadOnly Data - Triggers when the Get User Read-Only Data Succeeded.
On Get User ReadOnly Data Failed - Triggers when the Get User Read-Only Data Failed.
Get Other User Data
On Get Other Data - Triggers when the Get Other Data Succeeded.
On Get Other Data Failed - Triggers when the Get Other Data Failed.
Get Other User ReadOnly Data
On Get Other ReadOnly Data - Triggers when the Get Other Read-Only Data Succeeded.
On Get Other ReadOnly Data Failed - Triggers when the Get Other Read-Only Data Failed.
Update User Data
On Update User Data - Triggers when the Update User Data Succeeded.
On Update User Data Failed - Triggers when the Update User Data Failed.
Load User Data
On Load User Data - Triggers when the Load User Data Succeeded.
Key - The "Key" or "User Data Name" to load for return.
On Load User Data Failed - Triggers when the Load User Data Failed.
Key - The "Key" or "User Data Name" to load for return.
On Any Load User Data - Triggers when any Load User Data Succeeded.
On Any Load User Data Failed - Triggers when any Load User Data Failed.
Load User ReadOnly Data
On Load User Read Data - Triggers when the Load User Read Only Data Succeeded.
Key - The "Key" or "User Data Name" to load for return.
On Load User Read Data Failed - Triggers when the Load User Read Only Data Failed.
Key - The "Key" or "User Data Name" to load for return.
On Any Load User Read Data - Triggers when any Load User Data Succeeded.
On Any Load User Data Read Failed - Triggers when any Load User Data Failed.
Load Other User Data
On Load Other Data - Triggers when the Load Other User Data Succeeded.
Key - The "Key" or "User Data Name" to load for return.
On Load Other Data Failed - Triggers when the Load Other User Data Failed.
Key - The "Key" or "User Data Name" to load for return.
On Any Load Other Data - Triggers when any Load Other User Data Succeeded.
On Any Load Other Data Failed - Triggers when any Load Other User Data Failed.
Load Other User ReadOnly Data
On Load Other Read Data - Triggers when the Load Other User Read Only Data Succeeded.
Key - The "Key" or "User Data Name" to load for return.
On Load Other Read Data Failed - Triggers when the Load Other User Read Only Data Failed.
Key - The "Key" or "User Data Name" to load for return.
On Any Load Other Read Data - Triggers when any Load Other User Read Only Data Succeeded.
On Any Load Other Read Data Failed - Triggers when any Load Other User Read Only Data Failed.

The following expression groups:
Get User Data
Get User Read-only Data
Update User Data
Load User Data
Load User Read-only Data
Get Other User Data
Get Other User Read-only Data
Load Other User Data
Load Other User Read-only Data
Server Response
Get User Data
getDataVersion - Returns the "Data Version", the current version of the data that has been set.
Get User ReadOnly Data
getReadDataVersion - Returns the "Data Version", the current version of the data that has been set.
Update User Data
getUpdateDataVersion - Returns the "Data Version", the current version of the data that has been set.
Load User Data
retDataLastUpdated - Returns the "Last Updated". Timestamp for when this data was last updated.
retDataPermission - Returns the "Permission". Indicates whether this data can be read by all users (public) or only the user (private).
retDataValue - Returns the "Value". Data stored for the specified user data key.
retDataKey - Returns the "Key" of the loaded data.
Load User ReadOnly Data
retReadDataLastUpdated - Returns the "Last Updated". Timestamp for when this data was last updated.
retReadDataPermission - Returns the "Permission". Indicates whether this data can be read by all users (public) or only the user (private).
retReadDataValue - Returns the "Value". Data stored for the specified user data key.
retReadDataKey - Returns the "Key" of the loaded data.
Get Other User Data
getODataVersion - Returns the "Data Version", the current version of the data that has been set.
Get Other User ReadOnly Data
getOReadDataVersion - Returns the "Data Version", the current version of the data that has been set.
Load Other User Data
retODataLastUpdated - Returns the "Last Updated". Timestamp for when this data was last updated.
retODataPermission - Returns the "Permission". Indicates whether this data can be read by all users (public) or only the user (private).
retODataKey - Returns the "Value". Data stored for the specified user data key.
retODataKey - Returns the "Key" of the loaded data.
Load Other User ReadOnly Data
retOReadDataLastUpdated - Returns the "Last Updated". Timestamp for when this data was last updated.
retOReadDataPermission - Returns the "Permission". Indicates whether this data can be read by all users (public) or only the user (private).
retOReadDataValue - Returns the "Value". Data stored for the specified user data key.
retOReadDataKey - Returns the "Key" of the loaded data.
Server Response
ServerResponse - Return the "Server Response" from every request from the PlayFab Server. The server response can also be shown in the "Chrome Developer Tools : Console", if in "debug mode".
OtherLoad - Returns the another user's data value.
Tag - Return the "Tag" of the latest request.
OtherLoad - Returns the another user's data value.
Key - The key of another user data.
OtherReadLoad - Returns the another user's read-only data value.
Key - The key of another user read-only data.
UserLoad - Returns the user's data value.
Key - The key of the user data.
UserReadLoad - Returns the user's read-only data value.
Key - The key of the user read-only data.
There is currently nothing to show, we will add more in the future.
Game Projects
Instructions Kit

Instructions - The game project contains instructions and steps on how to use the addon and its features.
Action, Conditions and Expressions - It covers the implementation of each action, condition and expression.
Tips and Tricks - It provides some tips and tricks on the recommended ways of using the addon.